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Magazine Deadline


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Just when you think it's all gone so well, up pops some smart a**e, who points out that the deadline date for the next issue is wrong.

So, please note that the deadline for the July/August issue of Westfield World is actually Jukly 30th, and not May 28th as stated in the May/June issue - so you do still have time to get that article you were going to write, in for the next issue.

I'll get me coat................

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Thanks Peter, I was panicing about the Area report. Great,Brilliant last magazine but please amend address for our local Yorkshire Meeting ( in my commentary & on area contacts page as it is nowhere near Bath or Bristol! THE A4 SIZE HAS BEEN WELL RECEIVED therefore can we keep it.Keep up the good work


Terry :D

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It'd be a good run out though, wouldn't it?

Sorry Terry, I've fired the person responsible and it will be correct in the next issue - as everyone knows the Yorks area actually meets at the Fox and Grapes on the A64 between Leeds and the A1.

A4 every issue? Well, would be good, but costs more to print than A5 so unlikely for this year...

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I'm sure you've read it else where, but congrats on a top job woth the mag.

Keep up the good work.

PS: One of these days I'll do something on interest and write you something!

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There is an error in the treasurer's report too. The bottom line has acquired an extra digit, it should read 21137, and not 212137.

213 grand in the bank is a nice thought though!

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Nice A4 sized mag, I prefer the bigger one!

Just one question though - where did my area report and photos get to then??  :angry:  :angry:  :devil:  :oops:  :bangshead:

ah well will have to put in a double one for next issue then!



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Hi Peter

You replied to the email I sent you with the report in!  :p  ;)

You remember - it was short n sweet!!

Never mind will try harder for the next one!



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