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Any of the Mancs Mob doin the trip this W/E ?

assuming you all got home to sunny GB in one peice !


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It's Newark kir car show as well this weekend.  Does anyone fancy going to Newark on the Saturday and camping at Curbourgh, as we did last year?  

Can some post directions to curbourgh as well, as Adam may be navigating for me again?:D:D

Last year: -

Kirk: Adam check the map.

Adam: What map?

Kirk:  :angry:

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It was pitch black dark when they got to Curbrough even Blatters beat them there and he came up hill all the way from London the last few miles on oxygen as well.

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Got there just in time for food as well.

The photos of Adams tan still make me laugh, i'll see if he'll wear the banndana and sunglass again this year.

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Hopefully will be going Sunday afternoon, I've also got some Busa's to look at :D  :D

Fancy giving at blast down the A roads to test the difference after the suspension set up, feels good so far but needs a proper test


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Hopefully will be going Sunday afternoon, I've also got some Busa's to look at :D  :D

Fancy giving at blast down the A roads to test the difference after the suspension set up, feels good so far but needs a proper test


Glen, how did you go about getting the suspension set up? Did you get advice from a club member or did you take it to a specialist? I quite fancy having my set up checked and see if there is an area for improvement.



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I took my car down to Northampton Motorsport ( advertisd on the back of Westfield World), I would have took it to Paul @ Playscool but I also had the engine re-mapped etc.

The corner weighting was a bit of a waste, for my car at least, there wasn't much option to adjust as balancing one axle was upsetting the balance on the other axle, however this will be different for every car and I believe can work wonders if done right.

I also had a full laser susupension geometry set up ( Camber & toe in etc), although not cheap ( £125 +vat, took about 3 hours) this in my opinion was worth every penny, the car was twitchy when turning right and stiffer turning left than it was turning right, the laser equipment verified this , showing the the rear nearside wheel was toe-ing quiet a lot ( about 1 degree)

Adjustments made there and then to correct this and other minor mis-alignments, most of the journey home was motorway, however on the short bit of back roads I did hit, the car felt fantastic and much more settled giving huge bags of confidence and the biggest smile ;)  ;)

Its very suprising how such minor adjustments of 1 degree or less per wheel can have.

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so come on then Glen, spill the beans

what did it weigh  ???  ???  ???

:D  :D  :D  :D

Your on the wrong posting  :p

But you probably realise that by now :D  :D  :sheep:

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:sheep:  :sheep:  :durr:

evenin Glen, still think its a good weight for a screened car with 15" and Road rubber, can`t see all the fuss myself :suspect:  :suspect:

And having seen it in the flesh

Nice motor mate  :love:  :love:  :cool:  :cool:

Interesting comments on the set up btw can`t help but make me wonder.... :oops:

:D  :D  :D

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