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Just nipped up to St Bees this morning to collect some holy honey & met a load of smiley people driving Westfields.I decided to join in on the fun (think they were on acid)and off we went...........What a fantasticlly organised event.Had a great day,put lead in me pencil.It was so good that I drove back over the same route to reminisce.And most of em are doing it again tomorrow. :D (thanks Si & Carla)
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Ang on a minute,I was ere first........

By the way anyone notice that crazy woman waving the Union Jack in Bowness.That was Oldwoman,godbless her(note it was not an England flag) :durr:  :sheep:

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It was a thrill for my son who has learning difficulties(picked him up at Grasmere & dropped him off at Kirby)

He kept on turning around and saying...."dad theyre following us"  :sheep:

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Excellent, Glad you got sorted to take your son on part of the run.

Also good to see you again


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