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Newark show...


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Hi All

My appologies if this would be better in the 'newbie' group rather than this one - not sure :)

I see it is the Newark show coming up and I want to go but...

As I am a new WSCC member and have never been to one of the shows before as a member, I need to know the format etc.

Is there a special kit-car entrance and WSCC stand / field / tent area that I can park my beloved SEi? Do I have to pay to get in/use memeber facilities etc? Will there be WSCC merchandise on the day? I don't think I can perswade SWMBO to camp overnight, so it will be just the one day for us  :(

Also - anyone from Leicestershire going along on one of the days also? Would be nice to go together if so... :)



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Hope you have a good time - Generally drivers of kitcars gain free entry - but not sure about Newark ???

There might be a section reserved for the WSCC - don't know ??? follow the organisers signs

There are usually a few local owners turn up and have a day out - as to weekend stop-overs and camping - not a lot.

Nope, no merchandise - you may view this as a negative posting - don't mean it that way - its just that Newark Show clashes with our very own club event at Curborough - where there is a scenic drive, track session, BBQ (BYO) and sprint meeting + camping available, merchandise and many of our sponsors  :D  :D  :D

The club have invested a not inconsiderable amount of money, time and effort into our very own event which has been happening each year since 2000  :D  :D  :D

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ahhh I see - that makes sense.

I am still petrified about security of my westie and leaving it at a show really bothers me - thats really why I ask about the club stand etc..


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Don't worry Will  ;)  we've all been there at some time  ;) some folks still are  :D  ;)  ;)

Worst thing about shows are the unruly kids that lack parental control  :angry:  :angry: candy floss / ice cream fingers and those little gits that stand on your exhaust to reach into the cockpit to flick your switches  :angry:  :angry:  :devil: swift kick sorts em out  :D  :D  :D

Have a nice day, at Newark, if we can't tempt you to Curborough  :D  :D  ;)

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I was going to Curborough for the weekend, but a wedding (not mine) on the Saturday means i cant.

I may go to the Newark show on the Saturday but im not too sure as im going to Curborough on the Sunday FOR A DEFINATE !!! :t-up:  :t-up:

Will, come to Curborough, its going to be a great meeting :t-up:

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After wedding head straight for Curborough  :D  :D  :devil:  :devil:  :D  the buffet will be much better  :D  :devil:  :D and the entertainment goes on much later  :D  :devil:  :D

We'll help you put your tent up  :D  :devil:  :D plenty of torches  :D  :devil:

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ok ok - I have just looked at the Curborough site and it doesn't look that far away from me. I need to go to the Newark show with my father-in-law though.

Which day at Curborough is the scenic drive as I am not really ready for the sprint course etc yet. Do you have to pay for Curborough?



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