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I have a set of shockers and springs I need to get to a guy on the Sunday, and was wondering if anyone from Yorkshire area might be going, who could take them down for me.

If you can, give us a buzz on 07786 275461

Many Thanks


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Just had a call from organisers of Stoneleigh.

The WSCC outside parking area is very muddy - and they are concerned that:

1. Once a car is parked up it will get bogged down and

2. The cars and peoples feet will get extremely muddy.

so Emergency Plan A

For 2004 - WSCC members are to park their cars undercover in the Blackdown Buildings (same as 2003) Entrance is from 6th Street. With the marquee being sited immediately opposite just off the roadway.

Please spread the word - we will endeavour to put up some directional arrows, so slow down and keep your eyes open for them and ask  for info at the entrance gate

Weather forecast is for more rain on Sunday and Monday


Mark S.

P.S. In 2005 it is highly likely that we will have a new stand elsewhere within the complex - due to the poor drainage of our current stand

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