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I intend to attend Curborough as my first event in June as a new member virgin, I would like to bring a couple of mates to stay over on camp site, neither of them are members or Westfield owners, is this ok? Nigel Tye, Kettering, Northants.
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A great event; and THE westfield weekend. Take yer mates; a few tents; loadsa beer and a barby. You'll have a ball!

Me....I'm missing it....I'll be in the States on holiday with the missus :down:

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Mr Beeland, Sir, It's your font colour I think, but I misread your last item of advice to Nigel's post as "....loadsa beer and a baby. You'll have a ball!"  Well, I mean ....


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Yep mates are most welcome  :D  :D and they can always do some marshalling  :D  :D  :D  :devil:  :D  :devil:  :D  ;)

For 2004 we will have some showers + additional toilet facilities and a few other "features"  ;)  ;)  ;)  :D  :D

So a small nominal charge is being made for camping - nothing much - just to help cover costs - it certainly won't break anyones bank balance  ;)  ;)  :D  :D

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Ok....enough now........Anyone wanna go to San Francisco?

Do you have to be a member?

Ok Ok, my loans just come in i'll do it in a minute :p

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Anyone wanna go to San Francisco?

No thanks  :D  :D  ;)  :D  rather go Chicago Blues Festival or back to Florida and Disneyworld  :D  :D  :blues:

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Nope  :D  ;)  unless you wanna marshall  :D  ;)

There are details in current magazine - tis all there for yoooooo to read  :D  :D  :D

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There are details in current magazine - tis all there for yoooooo to read  :D  :D  :D

If he was a member :D


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If he was a member

I know  :devil:  :devil:  :devil:  :D  :D  :D  ;)  ;)

I will be soon, the cheque is written, the form is filled out just need an envelope

and by return you will receive a club magazine  :D  :D  :D  :devil:  :D

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Times must be hard in Southampton and Essex. Poor chap has been looking for an envelope for ages :D


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Poor chap has been looking for an envelope for ages

We don't all have access to the office's stationary supply!  at this rate it will be a piece of paper stuck together with tape. :p

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