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When  :D  :D

be careful with track days  ;)  :D  No times may be published in any manner  ;)  :D

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Hi Mark

Just using poetic licence. Not really a track day. Just a few of us using the circuit for a bit of fun. We did the same last year,

not me as my car was in the Westfield hospital, and a good day was had by all.


:D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D

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Doh  :bangshead:  :bangshead:  :D  I only work 10 mins down the road ............. I'd have called in to say hello  :D  :D
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I seem to recall putting my name down for this event a couple of months back at the local area meeting.  I'm looking forward to my first time on a track in my new toy (be gentle with me! ).  

Does anybody want the dosh up front or is it pay on the day?

Will be along to the meet on Thursday eve. (hopefully in the Westy if the weather holds).  

Hope to speak to some of you there.



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Will be along to the meet on Thursday eve. (hopefully in the Westy if the weather holds).  

Hope to speak to some of you there.

The April meeting was last Thursday. They are held on the 3rd Thurs of every month. Next meeting is in May but most will be at Stoneleigh. See you there.

Regarding payment for Curborough, give Big Dave a call on 02476 454951 and he will confirm when this is required

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Mis-read my calendar... thought this Thursday was the third of the month.  Thanks for pointing this out though, would have been a lonely wait at the pub!!  Gutted I missed seeing all those cars.

Well I'll make sure I go to Stoneleigh on the right weekend and hope to see you all there instead!



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