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...mmm, pussy video

Girly Pants

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If this is not computer generated (i.e. it's real) then it's cruel and beyond belief. :angry:

I must admit, I laughed for about a second, but then my ability to reason as a human adult took over. Once you get over the cheap shock, there's no funny side to it, just revoltion.

Jokes about animals in the written word, cartoons, puppet shows, etc... are excusable, because they are too far removed from realism and don't cause physical harm.

Actual bodily harm to any animal (where caused by humans) is abuse by beings that should know better, plain and simple. I'd also view professional computer generated productions used to advertise corporations as unacceptable. If I'm the only WSCC member who finds this distasteful in the extreme, then let it be so.

Remember, we're animals too. Complaints going to Nokia and the RSPCA, at least.

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I agree with Peters sentiments, however, I never analyse humour, 'cos some one or some thing is usually the butt of the joke, and there's always someone who is likely to take offence.......

I trust that it's a computer generated effect, and is therefore harmless to me, and all other animals, so I allow myself a wry smile before moving on.........

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it cant possibly be real cos it is a nokia advert... very good though.

incidently, the phone was a major project from a fellow loughborough design and tech student from last year.

I hereby state that loughborough university do not condone cruelty to animals in any shape or form.

anyone that watches Tarrant on TV will appreciate (and probably see it on there soon) the advert for what it is...and well...it does get your attention. WINNER

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I haven't followed this particular link but I assume this is the cat and fan one? If so I can assure cat lovers everywhere that this advert was not created or sanctioned by Nokia. :0    :)

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