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Pity 'bout the landlord at the Shire Horse as it's quite a nice pub. Maybe we should just turn up there anyway. :D

I'm not sure if I'll be down yet as I've got a full diary this weekend. However.... Keep me informed as to Le-Mans discussions.


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The consensus seems to be that soft drinks are too expensive, other than that the venue is ideal, staff are friendly and helpful, location easy to find, ample parking and good food.

Just thought I would open the debate to find an alternative if there is one, so any thoughts................

Just stick to drinking beer then :devil:  :devil:  :devil:

Also, don't forget the free cheese and crackers on the bar  :D  :D

Not sure if I can make this one, unless I can persuade my brother in law to come with me. If I do it will be a short visit.

Fingers crossed.


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Good turn out  :D  :D  :D

And Peter Osborne turned up to his local meet  :oops: - Good luck on Thursday with the SVA.

We checked out an alternative venue - The Lands End, Twyford - landlord is keen to for us to have our meetings there.  Good venue, carpark, wide choice of food inc. sandwiches, car park adjoins beer garden.  Only downside I feel is the bar area maybe too small and the location may be difficult to find for new members or other clubs.

Have tried to give a balanced view so the decision is yours (I'm not bothered either way)

Meet up for Stoneleigh on Sunday 2nd May (camping over night if you like) and

Hambleden Thames Valley Sports Car is the venue for our next meeting - meet at Bird in Hand from 10:30am - I'll arrange with the hotel some coffee (the tight ones can bring a flask   :blush: ) - Will leave at 11 - 11:30am

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And Peter Osborne turned up to his local meet  :oops: - Good luck on Thursday with the SVA.

Ker-ching.........penny has just dropped..........I thought I recognised him from somewhere.........that will be the WW then. I would have congratulated him on the excellent mag  :t-up:  :t-up:  :t-up:

Sorry mine was such a flying visit :(  and that my car was so filthy :blush:  :blush: but it was either that or nothing. :D

Was gonna promise to have a nice shiny car for Hambledon :cool:  :D  but I have just seen on the calender that I have a tennis match :angry:  :arse:  :(


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