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Scottish Members


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The problem with Scotland ...

... ok, I'll rephrase that ... hehe.gif

One of the problems with Scotland is that the population is so thinly spread (I'm sure there's a better demographic term but hey).

Driving my Westfield from Aberdeen to Strathclyde for a monthly evening meeting in November would, I'm afraid, be out of the question.

I think there could be room for two or three national events over the summer. Some thoughts I have are ...

1) A track-day at Knockhill

2) A national day at one of the sprint tracks (Kames would be my vote)

3) A weekend tour of some excellent Highland / West Coast roads.

I'm waiting to see how my work commitments pan out in the next few weeks. I'll then be in a position to decide just how much I can afford to volunteer for.

Anyway, good shout and one I've been mening to raise.


N :)

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Firstly, the pistonhead posting was not me!  Alas another Scottish Westie owner lurking on the web!

I agree that a single Scottish Local Area wouldn't work as there is too great a distance to travel for a monthly meet.  

A couple of national (Scotland that is! ) 'annual' events such as described (Knockhill / Kames & a tour of the Highlands) sounds like a really good start, though.

Ideally we would need 3 Areas (North / West / South East?) thoughts on that any one.  I am Edinburgh based, and could be persuaded to organise local events in the South East.

I appreciate that there is the SKCC, though my intention was more towards a Local Area of the WSCC.  Fraser, what part of Scotland are you in????

As I said way back at the start, I dont get my Westie till the weekend.  Then I will become a fully fledged member of the WSCC (I would urge any other Scottish Westies Owners to join also).  After that an ad in the club mag may be on the cards.  

Knockhill on 22 May should be the starting point, Numptie / Fraser - you gonna go to this?  Fraser can you spread the word at the SKCC?  Numptie are you aware of any other northern owners?


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Look forward to seeing you on the 22 May, there will be a few hardy Speed Series guys up there, so let us know what you have planned  :D  :D

Put a post on the Events section  :D

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Fraser / dac,

I got your messages - thanks. byebye.gif

I'm balls out at work just now. I'll try to get around to having a think about this next week and responding to you. type.gif

I only know of a handful of Westfield owners in the North East but I'm sure there are many cars lurking in garages waiting for the weather to improve. yes.gif

GWatson - I'll give you a shout about this too as soon as I get a chance. hehe.gif


N driving.gif

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Hiya fellow Scottish westi owners

         Your ideas about holding a few larger events in the summer do sound like a great idea, I am also Edinburgh based, although at uni in the midlands (witht my westi) during term time. It would be great in the summer to meet up with other westi-ites, anyone have any idea of how many owners there are above the border?

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... anyone have any idea of how many owners there are above the border?

I was thinking about this last night wobble.gif

Now I know the club wouldn't supply anyone with contact details for Scottish owners (data protection thingy teacher.gif) ...

... but would they be prepared to send a (e)mail shot out on our behalf ? scratchchin.gif

BTW, before anyone suggests it, I do realise that an ad / feature in WW would be the first place to start. yes.gif


N driving.gif

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I'm not sure that the club has the facilities to do this sort of mail shot. It's generally looked after by the AO himself (which obviously isn't appropriate in this case).

It does sound like a good idea though, it's just a question of whether it's workable or not.

I can't remember, when you fill in the membership form, is an e-mail address even requested?


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Cheers Andy smile.gif

Assuming things pan out such that I reckon I can make a commitment to something like this, I'll give the powers that be a shout phone.gif


N driving.gif

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Spot on Mr H  :D  ;)  :D

Our memb sec has loads of work to do already  ;)  Area e-mail shots (that is if all members are on e-mail - which many are not  ;) ) are best dealt with by an officially recognised AO - e-mail shots need to be accompanied by snail mail - for all those not webbed  ;)  :D  :D

I'm sure if you dropped the Mag Ed an e-mail with info he may be able to squeeze it into next mag  ;)  ;)  You gotta be quick tho - closing date was 26 March - so ask him nicely  :D  ;)

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Do you want to post an email to the WW editor - maybes we could put a call out for all Scottish Westie owners to meet up at Knockhill on 22 May as the starting point (sorry to harp on about Knockhill!;)

I picked up my Westie today, cant stop grinning   Blatting about one minute, lying under it sorting the oil leak from the oil pressure sender unit the next!

N.  I would post an email myself to the WW Editor, but as yet not an official member.  My application is in tomorrow post!


p.s glad there is more than one Edinburgh based Westie owner!

:t-up:  :t-up:  :t-up:

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Hopefully you will be able to count me in!

I'm just south of Edinburgh and looking to buy a Westfield in the next few weeks. Unfortunately my budget will only be 5.5k and I'm 6'4" tall, so I imagine I will have problems finding a decent one, but when I do you can count me in!


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Numptie, are you a WSCC member?

If so, don't forget to upgrade your boardroom membership. You'll need your membership number and postcode, along with your boardroom login details.

It may take a few days for your membership details to be entered here, so if it doesn't work try again in a day or so.


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Yes, I am a paid up WSCC member. thumbs.gif

I did try to upgrade a wee while ago but he no workie. eek3.gif

I don't have my card with me, I'll try again from home tonight. guin.gif

If I still have probs, I'll PM the webbie. type.gif


N driving.gif

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There's usually a short delay between the Memb Sec sending out your membership details, and them reaching the Webmaster and him entering them on here.

I'm sure Adrian will be able to help out if necessary.


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