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Scottish Members


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Just bought a Westfield SE and wondered why there was no Scottish contingent, in particular a Central Belt or even South East Scotland Area.

The Speed Series comes to Knockhill on the 22nd of May. This is a great opportunity for Scottish (South East/ Central Belt) members to meet and discuss setting up a Local Area.

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There is no Scottish AO cos no-one has volunteered to organise stuff and get things going  ;)  :down:  :down: Tis as simple as that  ;)  :D
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Well, that might be the case, but the question is.....

If someone was mug (I mean brave) enough to be the AO, how many members would support and regularly meet as part of a local area?

Didn't there used to be a local Scottish area for WSCC?

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In some ways the number of folks that would attend is dictated by location time and day of meet + events to organise and ensure there is sufficient to interest everyone  ???  ;)

Being an AO is probably one of the hardest tasks within the WSCC  ;)

Scottish AO's stepped down several years ago  ;)  :down:

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Right :)

Scottish Members (particularly those in the Central Belt or South East - but not exclusively) do we want a Local Area, is there anyone out there willing to be an AO or certainly assist an AO?

Also, who used to have this task? Can they be contacted in order to assist in establishing a Local Area once more?

As I said earlier, Knockhill would be a great place for a discussion / launch of a Scottish Area.

Come on out of the woodwork Scottish Westie Owners.


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Just get out and start one DAC, I did in September last year for the NE and we are getting regular good attendance, with lots of helpful people organising things. So that you don't end up having to do it all yourself.

15 cars due on Mark's run out this Sunday.

Typically over 20 at most club nights  :D  :D  Thanks to all those keen people in the NE.

Also don't foget that quite a few people don't visit this board or have internet access, so a post on here sometimes doesn't get the response you hope for. But it's still there, you just need to look a little harder  :D

Send me an e-mail if you want any help  :D  :D


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There used to be a monthly meeting at South Queensferry but that's been defunct since the end of 2001 - the guy has sold his Westy I believe. Best bet to meet fellow owners initially is to come along to the Scottish Kit Car Club (http://www.skcc.co.uk/main.htm), they meet on last Monday of each month at Grangemouth Rugby Club @ 8pm.

If you're volunteering your services :D probably the best way to spread the word would be ask the SKCC committee to put an ad in their monthy newsletter as I don't know how many members use this boardroom. The club currently has somewhere between 10 and 20 Westy owners if I remember correctly, there's usually 3 or 4 at SKCC meetings.

I'm sure the lack of an AO is simply due to no one willing/able to take responsibility (including me) rather than lack of interest. I would be willing to help out  :t-up: an AO though!

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If you're volunteering your services :D probably the best way to spread the word would be ask the SKCC committee to put an ad in their monthy newsletter as I don't know how many members use this boardroom.

Surely a better way to spread the word to WSCC members would be through our own club mag?


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That was a rhetorical question, no answer was replied.

I figured the answer was pretty obvious.

Probably worthwhile stating it explicitly though :)


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Right :)

Scottish Members (particularly those in the Central Belt or South East - but not exclusively) do we want a Local Area, is there anyone out there willing to be an AO or certainly assist an AO?

If you want it bad enough go out and do it yourself don’t expect someone else to do it if you’re not prepared to do it your self.  :suspect:

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Easy tiger, some of them are new to this.......

That was a rhetorical question, no answer was replied.

I figured the answer was pretty obvious.

Probably worthwhile stating it explicitly though

Again, because of the newness of the poster, they may not be aware that the WSCC is so much moe than just this bulletin board. I would seem that we have potentially 20 or so new members up there in bonny Scotland. Lets not upset the first one who contacts us, so that he goes to his first Scottish kit car meeting and says what an unfriendly, self righteous bunch we are......

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Apologies, there are (I think) two threads running and I got confused between the two of them. I hadn't realised that the original poster in this thread was new.

Ummm...do you think he'll be convinced we're not unfriendly and self-righteous now I've said sorry?



(tail between legs)

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Just thought I'd add a bit more 'meat' to my earlier (perhaps overly abrupt) response.

In case you don't know dac, there's a whole lot more to the WSCC than this boardroom. There is a thriving social and competitive scene, as well as great camaraderie between members in the same area.

I've been lucky enough to be on the receiving end of advice and assistance from other members in my local area. This has made my paltry investment in the club (to the tune of 25 quid a year membership fees) seem incredibly small in relation to the amount of money I would have had to spend to get the same advice and assistance in any other way.

As a result, I've also tried to 'put back' a little into the club in areas that I can help (such as the avatar hosting service, and odd jobs on the boardroom helping out where I can).

A lot of this camaraderie is down to us having a good AO. He's been responsible for arranging a number of events. This extends beyond the regular 'pub' meet, to visits to various car shows, attendance at track days and the like. This all makes the experience of being a Westfield owner that much enjoyable. Well done Tony.

The job of an AO is one that I don't think I would have the dedication to do well. I've no idea how much time our AO spends in organising the various events we attend, but I'm sure it's considerable.

I'm sure other members in Scotland would happily rally round to get a good local scene up and running again. The first step towards this is to find someone to volunteer to be AO (yourself perhaps?), and then announce this fact both here and in the club's magazine. Then see what response you get from other members and take things from there.

Welcome aboard, hopefully you'll never look back. :)


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