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Fuel problem ??


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Can anybody out there help with this one please.

I am running a 1600 XF with standard Ford twin choke carb.

Fuel pump is Facet solid state pump (the square one) which should be good for 150bhp.

The problem I am having is the engine cuts out when entering a corner. As soon as I am through the corner the problem clears and off I go again.

I suspect a fuel problem but don't really have much of a clue what it is likely to be.

Can anyone give me a clue as to what the problem might be or has anyone experienced anything similar.

Any help gratefully received.



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Does it do this on both right and left hand corners?

Where is the fuel pick-up?

If this were an injection engine, it would be classic fuel starvation caused by the fuel moving away from the pickup as happens on my SpeedSport 1800 on LONG left hand corners ( my fuel pickup is on the left ) where the fuel moves over to the right. No doubt a similar problem can be caused on a carburettor fed engine too although the fuel pressure is less.

The solution is a modifed fuel tank ( one with a deep reservoir around the pickup tube ) or an external swirl pot.

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Have you modified your tank to stop the fuel surge? I was thinking about getting another made with some better baffling but decided to go with the "keep it more than 1/3 full" option instead. BTW Are raceline ever going to start selling that exhaust of theirs that they tested on your car?



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Being a tight wad, I work on the 'keep the tank full' principle and this works absolutely fine apart from one corner ( the circular climbing left hand slip road on the A27 at Shoreham!! ). On normal left hand corners, provided I have the tank over 1/2 full even on full tilt it stays OK.

I have considered buying an external pump and a swirl pot but as it is such a rare problem, I have decided to leave it for now but if the existing pump was to give up the ghost then I would take this route.

Rather than improve the baffling ( this is only a delaying tactic ) I would also be tempted to modify the existing tank with an additional reservoir on the pickup side and an extended pickup pipe projecting into it. If I could get this done at reasonable cost, I would consider doing it but welding containers that have recently contained petrol is not to every welder's taste!

I cannot imagine why Raceline are taking so long to introduce their new exhaust onto the market but I have heard several people complain at how long it is taking ...... This is a great shame because the product is absolutely superb and Raceline are very pleasant people to deal with but they need to be careful as they are not the only company that has suitable solutions!

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