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Anti virus software


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Just reformatted and finally got rid of the ill reputed 'Norman' and his antivirus software.

I tried Mcaffe AV home edition v7 (as recommended on a prebvious thread) but it REALLY p******** me off. I thought it was free, but after 12 or so days into my supposed 30 trial period...it wouldnt stop pestering me and making me go to the registration page in order for it to even start up [/rant]

So, what do i go for?

PC-cillin 2002 or Mcafee 5.21?

or anything else that if free?

both are on driver disketts for my MOBO and GFX card so I assume they are fully licenced and functional.


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just a word of warning.....with any free software and particularly anti-virus, you are taking a risk that they will not necessarily be as up-to-date as the ones you pay for and may not have a 'fix' for a new worm/virus etc. very quickly because that's what you're paying for with the likes of McAfee  ;)

McAfee had a fix within 4 hours for the 'I Love You' epidemic that hurt so many companies and I speak from personal experience as an I.T. manager (because my wife didn't work for McAfee when that one happened) and the only trouble we had within our global network was persuading the bl**** French to update their software as everytime they connected we got another flood of infected emails!!!  :angry:

You pays your money (or not as the case may be) you takes your choice  :t-up:  how much is your hard disk (and the information thereon worth to you?)

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look for a good swnky one then download it from kazaa. just make sure a good few users have it to make double sure its not a virus its self

I got black ice completely free

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I agree with "Peterg"

Free virusprot. is like getting free used oil for your engine. It might work for a while and you will end up hating yourself when it crashes. It is well worth the money


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I used to use AVG, never picked anything up, even when virus was present.  The virus database is tiny with it campared to the likes of Norton etc.

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Open an on line bank account with the Halifax.  you will then get a copy of PC-cillin and registration / updates for free..  ;)


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Pipex ADSL give you norton for free as well, not had a problem with it at all, has caught some virus' within SPAM mail.


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I use AVG. I did advise this to the HONG Kong health authority to get rid of their current virus problem :0

Buzz :(

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