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Number plates


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Considering the new(ish) laws regarding registration plates, i.e correct spacing, standard font, no overprinting, no changing numbers to look like letters, no black screws in the wrong place, etc.... it still amazes me how many people drive around with illegal plates - not all boy racers either, plently of old gits in Rover's are doing it!

According to the law, these cars should fail MOT's, the drivers face a minimum £1000 fine and in the case of a "chersihed" plate with misrepresented numbers they are liable to have the registration mark confiscated IIRC.

My question is why don't plod start fining these b*******s? It would be an even greater revenue generator for them than the Gatso   :p

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i made that up in photoshop.....didnt want to publish my reg when openly admitting its not a legal size plate!! - that would be silly

;) .....while you've got Photoshop can adjust that front headlamp's perspective.

My question is why don't plod start fining these b*******s?

:angry: .....they do, ask a biker who's number plate is a micron smaller than legal.

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:angry: .....they do, ask a biker who's number plate is a micron smaller than legal.

Any biker has my sympathy for the over zealous policing we see towards 'em.

I'm more aiming my comments at Grandad in his Rover 25 with a reggo plate in 3D scroll Italic on a honeycombe background with more black number plate screws than you can shake a stick at.  Maybe it's just a geriatric fad in East Yorks - but honestly there's hundreds of 'em out there.

Mind you, I'm starting to rant...... since when was I the number plate officer.... I'll get a life....  ??? Off to the pub instead  :)  :)

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.....while you've got Photoshop can adjust that front headlamp's perspective.

i know...its like a camp guys wrist at the bar.... it just starts to go limp and flap about. (not a derogatory comment to gentlemen of that persuasion:A***: - nor am I speaking from personal experience :0  :p)

that or my cars a bit fruity and winks at the camera :p

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Just keep the plate in the boot of your car and when you get stopped claim it just fell off.

Or put it on hinges and 'accidentally' get something sticky behind it so its folded up out of the way. 'Oh dear officer, theres so much crap on the road these days it must have got stuck behind my plate'. Just dont use anything too obvious and make it look accidental, a screwed up ball of duck tape would probably do.


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John, My car used to be "boss eyed" too. I cured the problem by raising the lamps up 3/4 of an inch on spacers. This brings the diameter of the lamp up enough to get past the cycle wings. - I can e-mail a picture if you want.

Hope this helps.


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