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Catering Van

Paul M

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Did anyone see this programme today ? Was anyone else as amazed as me at the companys lack of business sense ?

Basically the BBC filmed the company for nearly 3 years starting in 2000 as they tried to think of a model to replace the 7 with as they did not think they could rely on 1 product for ever. They used Reynard racing to help them design it, took 1 year to decide to go front engined then changed to mid engine as soon as design work started, then another year to try and find a design they all agreed on, they all agreed that they should not try and compete with the Elise then choose to go with an exact Elise clone !

Then Reynard went bust last year and they thought about it for another year before deciding that they could not realy afford to risk capital on a new model.

Quite amazing when most of us could think of half a dozen kit companies that have designed and produced all new models in next to no time (Silva, MK Engineering, Westfield XTR to name a few).

Interesting point that came out was that catering van dont make a single part themselves, everything is bought in.

Think we all made the right choice guys. :arse:

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What was the excuse, sorry, perfectly valid reason why the c******m 21 got binned ??

Two reasons given.  Firstly, the Elise was too much competition.  Secondly, why would anyone buy a 7 with a bigger GRP body on it when it cost more and didn't go/handle as well.

You would have though that the second reason might have occurred to them before rather than after  ;)

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Another reason they gave that the 21 was binned was that it did not have wind up windows and was 4 grand over priced ( sorry that should have been 4 grand too dear).

Put in windy windows and reduce the price- dummy's !

One thing they seemed unable to grasp is that people only go to them to buy what they percieve to be the original Lotus 7, if they want anything else they go to a mainstream manufacturer with more of a track record/heritage in that field.

Perhaps their best target market for a roomy modern sportscar with a boot, windows, weather gear would be the kit market as we are more adaptable, as they seem to only realy be targetting the turnkey market now they are destined ro loose out (in my oppinion)

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Secondly, why would anyone buy a 7 with a bigger GRP body on it when it cost more and didn't go/handle as well.

wasnt the C21 all aluminium?

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i watched it last night.

Must say they didnt have a clue  :D

''no other company has done a carbon monocoque like this before'' or summat of the sort, Hello FW400!!!

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I didn't actually see the programme but there is a lot of posts on blatchat about future safety legislation that was mentioned.

I assume that this will affect Westfield as well. Does it apply to cars registered on current plates or are Q plates included?

Does anyone know anymore about this or indeed when it is due to be implemented?



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How much is a crapvan anyway. I didnt even bother looking when i bought mine. How have they managed to stay alive in this competitive market.

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Secondly, why would anyone buy a 7 with a bigger GRP body on it when it cost more and didn't go/handle as well.

Isnt that a Westfield , apart from the cost bit (and in any case as the old saying goes "the quality is remembered long after the price is forgotten")  

:sheep:  :devil:  :sheep:  :devil:  :p  :)  :D  :cool:  :p  ;)  ;)

i'll get my coat  :)

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:cool:.....no doubt Catterham will wait 20 years then buy the Elise licence from Lotus, double the price, then spend the next 10 years not developing it and suing anyone who uses any of the letters E.L.I.S.E. in the name of their cars. Blatchatters will defend the Elise as the next big thing and claim we're all jealous because we can't (won't) afford one. Or am I being unfair?
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