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Log books


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Got the regs for a local sprint and as my car is in a non road going class  ie slicks l need a log book ,ok no probs with that l guess but can l still run as a non race nat B driver ???????

Oh how do l get a log book ?

The car is under 2 ltr


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Look for the scrutineers who are in your area listed in the blue book. Phone them up & get your car to them for a viewing. I recall there was some sort of a fee, a requirement for a photo of your car, some forms to fill in + a cage certificate if you have one. This was for my rally car, but you may find things are different for a sprint car. Scruter should be able to advise on what you need to bring with you anyway & the one I saw was very helpful.



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I entered my roadgoing car in the non-roadgoing classes last year without a MSA Log book and was never asked for one. Got asked for the MOT once or twice. I was running on 1B tyres, but on slicks it might be different, as Windy says find your local Scrutineer, ask them, you might get away without one.


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Non-road going cars OVER 2 litres you'll need a Class A licence  ;) as yours is a Vaux 1998cc your Class B is fine - tis noted in Bluebook  :D

If your car is registered road-going it doesn't stop you entering non-road-going class  ;)  ;) and an MSA logbook isn't mandatory so long as you can show and demonstrate that your car is fully registered  ;)  ;)

However it's a good idea to get yourself an MSA logbook to cover all eventualities and the odd awkward scruter  ;)  :D

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Mark l  luv you

Thank you

l will get a log book as you say but l searched the blue book and all l could find was l need a log book .

l can enter a non road going class ? Lydden states the car must be in road going trim or a log book is required .Are they wrong?

peter/skid :(

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If you compete in 'non-roadgoing condition', for instance on slicks, then you need a log book. The scrutineer usually doesn't ask to see it, but you're supposed to have one. I think any scrutineer can do one, but best bet is one of the scrutineers at your local venue. You may be able to arrange to have it done at another event, or even in the afternoon of your event. Worth a phone call anyway.

In terms of licences you need a National A (Open) Speed to drive a Sports Libre or Single Seater in any Speed event. These cost a fortune, well more than £60. A Westfield on slicks would usually be 'Modified Production' and so the licence stuff isn't applicable. An ordinary 'National A' is worth having if you want to hillclimb at the popular venues, but that's another issue.


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