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Wilts/Hants March Meeting


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After a brief discussion at last months meeting, and a few email messages I've received, I've decided on a slight change to next months Wilts/Hants meeting.  

Since it's a bit grim at the moment with these cold dark Winters nights, we'll move the monthly meeting to the MORNING of the SECOND SUNDAY of the month, at least for the next few months.  The plan is to go for an early morning meeting (say around 09:00), meet up, have some breakfast at some greasy spoon type place, then get home before the other half notices you've gone (just remember to keep the revs down on the way out :zzz::)  )  

Location will be somewhere around the New Forest area.  Unless I get any strong recommendations for somewhere else, I think we'll go for the Little Chef on the A31 at Stoney Cross (near Lyndhurst), about 2 miles West of the end of the M27.  It's a bit further West than the last meet, but if everyone is happy with the idea, we'll make the next one way out East again (already had a suggestion for the Little Chef at West Meon).  Got to try and keep as many of you happy as I can!  Hopefully see some of you there.  


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Hmm, rapid blat to Little Chef .....

Olympic breakfast, round of toast and 3 pots of coffee ..

Slower blat home ......due to extra weight ...  :D

Sounds like a good idea to me, c u there.


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  • 2 weeks later...

To make sure Nick doesn't miss out on his Olympic breakfast, the next Wilts/Hants meeting will be held this coming Sunday, 14th March 2004, at the Little Chef on the A31 at Stoney Cross (near Lyndhurst / Brook / edge of the New Forest), about 2 miles West of the end of the M27 as you head West on the way to Ringwood.  We'll aim to meet around 09:30, yes that's 09:30 Sunday morning, have some breakfast and a natter and maybe get home before the other half notices you've gone.  


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So what happened next; how many showed & how many Westie's ? ? ?

When do you next plan to meet ? ? ?



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I'm guilty of a no show cos it was HOWLING it down and I spent all day Saturday polishing the Yellow Peril so I'm not taking it out in the rain!

Did anyone go? It was a nasty nasty day.

:blush: What a wimp!

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Unfortunately it was a pretty quiet turnout, but two did turn up in their Westfields and apparently they got very wet on the way home.  

Next meet will be Sunday 4th April (normally second Sunday but moved to avoid Easter) at the Fishers Pond Pub, Fishers Pond, on the B3354 about two miles East of J12 of the M3.  Hopefully see you there.


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