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I’m after a little advice.  Well a lot actually!

I’ve been in to kit cars and racing for several years – just not at the same time.  I currently have a Cobra rep with a big American V8 which looks fantastic and goes like stink.  However, I am starting to get the racing bug again and so I am looking to sell the Cobra and buy a Westfield.  I also intend to go for a bike engined variant (Busa) as that will satisfy my other passion – bikes!  I quite like the idea of being able to get the speed and noise thrills of a bike with out needing to faf around with leathers, helmet etc etc.

The car would mostly be used for road work, but also for some sprinting and hill climbing.  I have considered both the Megabusa and the XTR2.  I tend to think that as the majority of the use will be on the road the Megabusa is likely to be better suited to my needs as it will be better mannered on the road (or easier to set up as such) and does offer slightly more practicality – I can get a full tonneau and a boot lid for it for example.  So what I am really asking is do those of you who have experience of both or either of these agree, or am I talking rubbish?

I’m planning to go up to Westfield for a visit in the next couple of weeks to test drive both and that will answer the main part of the question, I guess, but I value your opinions.  The other advantage of a Megabusa seems to be that it will be slightly cheaper – any thoughts?

I would probably look to upgrading the complete kit with an LSD, competition suspension and a dry sump kit.  Is there anything else that you would recommend buying from the outset rather than at a later date?  I plan to leave the brake upgrade until I see if I really need it.  I would probably go for trimmed seats though to ease my aching joints.  On that note as I’m 6’2” do you see any size problems?

Another question I have regards registration.  I seem to remember that if I build the car from all new parts less one, which must be reconditioned to as new condition (in this case the engine) I can register the car as brand new.  Is that correct?  If so can anyone recommend where I can look for a recon Busa unit and ancillaries?

Any other gen you can let me have would be most welcome.  Your experiences with bike engined Westfields and dealing with the company etc would be valued too.  Or if you know anyone that has a Mebgabusa kit sat in their garage that they haven’t got round to building, please let me know.  Better still if anyone in the High Wycombe (Bucks) area would be prepared to let me have a look at their car and give me some advice that would be fantastic!!!

Many thanks for your time and advice!


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Im up in stoke dude, so pretty far from you, but yor welcome to come for a ride any time you fancy.

I have a blade, but always wanted a busa myself, and after having a few goes in busa`s, would like to upgrade (or even part X) my blade against one, amonsgst all the other ideas floating around.

There are usualy loads at the kit car shows yo ucan take a look at, and chat to the owners :)

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Mega/XTR2... depends on what your prepared to put up with WRT speed bumps :D

If you are going to track any Busa car, the perceived wisdom is it will need a dry sump - except if you talk to Jack at Holeshot :D He does the Dax turbo jobbies with a baffle plate!

On reg... yep, you can get a new plate (in the middle of that process now) with one major item (in my case the engine) refurbed to as new with documentation to prove it.

Best bet IS to have a go in both then decide - good luck.


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And then I bet some bright spark will put a turbo on one of those smaller bike engines and throw all conventianal BEC thinking out of the window!!!! heheh  :devil:

(you know im gona keep making cheep digs untill i get a ride john LOL,  no wait dont, ill want one ;) )

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Thanks for the info fellas - most helpful.

How are you finding the registration process John?  Anything to watch out for?

Also, did you buy a used engine and then have it reconditioned or did you find a company that will supply recon items?  Any pointers would be very useful.

Once again, many thanks.


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How are you finding the registration process John?  Anything to watch out for?

I'll let you know later today :D

On the engine front... the company that did the turbo conversion also did the engine (which is a '93 blade), so I ended up with bills that prove the engine is 'as new'.


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Well, so far so good:

Took my MAC, cert of insurance, factory cert of newness, V55/4 and V627 together with a folder with all the bills in to the local VRO...

They took the Forms/Certs and folder away and photocopied the main invoices (engine/wheels/brakes/suspension etc) and kept the forms, I did them a cheque for £148 to cover first registration and a years road tax. They booked me an inspection appointment for next week and said the car will be on a new plate.

All done in less than twenty minutes.

So, should have my V5/tax and plates for the end of next week!


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Buy a second hand bike and sell the bits on Ebay. Dry Sump, modified starter motor, new gaskets and a bill from someone to say it is reconditioned is enough. The engine in mine ended up costing a little over 2k + mods, but at least I knew it was a good one as I could ride the bike first.

If you want engine cut for upchanges and an easy SVA life, consider replacing the ECU as it does not cost too much more (expect for the necessary rolling road session to get it set up).

Do not buy the Westfield exhaust as it is mild steel and borderline for noise. Buy a TTS dry sump rather than Westfield one.

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Please find below some rambling.

XTR2 is quicker on a track and I guess goes into racing modified classes (correct me if I'm talking out of my A*** someone), and this is up against single seater race cars with loads of downforce (tough). A Mega these days will go into most series alonside other BECs (more even in theory).

With either the XTR2 or the Mega this applies.

Important that if you want the Busa becuase you got the racing bug then consider what series and class you want go in for as that affects greatly what mods/ options allowed. If building from scratch, theres no point buying and fitting stuff you have to remove and throw.

Obviously engine mods to improve performance and tyres, but less obviously are things like the areoscreens, dry sump kits (fittings may need to be special now for WSS I been told).

May be teaching you to suck eggs but regs change all the time.

You mentioned you have a bike  passion. You give the plus (eg. no lid), but of course what makes the BEC not like a bike is traffic!

H. :)

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Thanks for all of the advice.  I think I am bending towards a Megabusa rather than the XTR2 as most of my use will probably be on the road.  

I'm going to try to tee up a factory visit with Westfield.  Is there anything you think I should enquire about specifically or press them on?

Also thanks to 'Jonlewis' for the advice on the exhaust and the dry sump kit.  I'm surprised that the Westfield exhaust is mild - a bit cheapskate.  Does the TTS dry sump kit just bolt straight on and what advantages does it give over the Westfield one?  I'm probably looking to buy a fully comprehensive kit so I will probably be stuck with the exhaust, but I will definatiely look else where for a dry sump kit.

Many thanks.


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