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The French-Rusbif

Buzz Billsberry

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No Russ don't call yourself a cynic your a MUPPET some off 'US' know  a lot more/have seen, than a lot of 'YOU' who occasionally read or seen a bit of TV.

If you'd have taken the time to read the rest of the thread which you obviously haven't and probably the same about whats happeneing in the middle-east you'd wouldn't have come out with an un-informed numb nut comments that you did.

If YOU care to discuss further I will be at most of the Speed Series events, but I can't see you doing that. No doubt you'll just put a stupid 'off the cuff' comment in reply to that having read a couple off paragraphs from yesterdays Sun to sound a little informed.

Buzz :angry:

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??? .........seems a bit of a contradiction here Mr. B, you complain that Russ has an opinion not worth the tabloid headlines it's based upon and what erudite observations do you use to back up your argument? Personal abuse. I can't say I had a great deal of time for his comments either, but I think pointing out the shallowness of his observations might have been a little more productive than calling him a Muppet.

??? .....I should point out that I do not know Russ, and he may well be a Muppet and that Mr.B, is merely stating a known fact within the Westfield community. If so, I apologise unreservedly.

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Strangely I was reading a couple of posts on Blatchat last week where a number of guys were rather laying into eachother in an inappropriately personal fashion.  I remember thinking that it was a relief that the WSCC site doesn't descend into such behaviour.  Oh, but then, all of a sudden it seems to have done so ???  ???

OK so this is an issue that creates an huge amount of passion, obviously, but there is no reason for plunging to personsal insults - unless it is in jest, of course.

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I gotta say all this petty personal abuse/comment is not what I personally consider this site is all about :(  :(

If that's what you wanna do and say then why not use PM or e-mail and contact each other direct - why tarnish everyone elses good name with the bickering - Whatever happened to respect for difference of opinions and respect for yourself  :(  :(  :(  :(

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Though the whole idea of the site was to bring together like minded car enthusiasts who enjoy building, driving, racing westfields etc, not to slag off each other over things which to be honest none of us know the whole story about.

Just my opinion


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Politics is for gardeners question time, not WSCC forums, take it elsewhere!

:devil: ....I presume you've not been to a WSCC AGM then?

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I closed the last thread precisely to stop any perceived, or actual, personal abuse.

If I have to stop another "new" thread, I'll be stopping some of your log in priveliges too.

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