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My girlfriend drove the Westy


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I let my girlfriend drive all the cars today including the Westfield.  Guess which was her favorite?  Yep, the one without any doors.  Not only did she absolutely love the Westy, but she also asked if she would now be able to share some of the driving duties this summer when we take the car down the West Coast of the US from Seattle to Santa Barbara.  

To top it off, this morning she said “As much fun as it is to ride in the Westfield, it is a lot more fun to drive it.”  Now I applaud her taste, but I’m afraid she is going to start demanding the keys whenever we take the car out.  What have I done? :0


Seattle, USA

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hmmmm yes a fatal move  :( i let bev drive my old vx engined car and in the space of 1 mile she broke the speed limmit and over shot a junction ( outbraked )and nearly took out an old guy on a bike and she thinks i am mad

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Well, at least she probably won't want to drive it again :)

I let my other half drive mine the other week, mostly to try and convince her of the performance of the car, so she'd be less errr, apprehensive, or some of my overtaking manoeuvres.

I like to think I'm a fairly safe driver (but then don't we all?) so tend to be more hesitant when overtaking than perhaps the car is capable of. Hopefully this will have helped set her mind at rest!


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fools  :durr:  :durr:  :durr:  :(  :(

i let my gf drive the westie cos she nagged and nagged and nagged.  then every time we went out for a play it was can i drive can i drive canidrivecanidrivecanidrive.  NO, buy your fookin own.

the new mrs oioi hates the car  :)  :)  :)  :)  :) but is happy for me to have play time  :)  :)  :)  :)

and the ex?  she owns a c******m...............

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My wife loved the westie & driving it

Then she got Pregnant and hated it before she''d even done the preggers test!

It woz a blloming shame we'd already agreed it'd have to go when kids were on the way.

So lads - get 'em pregnant and they won't wanna mess with your *real* toy, more 1 up blatting means a better Power to weight ratio=best performance upgrade you can get...

:devil:  :devil:  :D

Just don't blame me if you end up with the same fate I did !;)


PS JohnCh - here's a thought.  Get yourself a second *identical* Westie (apart from a teensy-weensy engine upgrade!!! ) and then go blatting together & repeatedly ask why she can't keep up

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PS JohnCh - here's a thought.  Get yourself a second *identical* Westie (apart from a teensy-weensy engine upgrade!!! ) and then go blatting together & repeatedly ask why she can't keep up

I just sold a car on Friday (the Alfa is gone) to get my total down to 3 and now you want me to go back to 4? <!--emo&:0

To make matters worse on the car/girlfriend front.  Yesterday afternoon we helped a friend move his cars around and he let her drive his toy: a Porsche 993 twin turbo.  She really liked the power in that one.  To think that when I met her a year ago, she didn't understand the whole car thing, and now I have her watching F1, willingly going to vintage races, asking to drive the Westy, and trying to bum rides in my friends' fast cars -- I can't get over just how much I've corrupted her ;)


Seattle, USA

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>and the ex?  she owns a c******m...

ah, now I know who you are...   :D

yes she truly sold out to the devil didn't she?  I was not extraordinarily surprised at the decision though ???


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ah, now I know who you are...    

it is I *removes*  :cool: *reveals*  :D

yes she truly sold out to the devil didn't she?  

the bf or the c******m?? :devil:  :devil:  :devil:

see you on ltl :)  :)  :)

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