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The best day this year


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Am grinning from ear to ear . . .  :D  :D  :D

Just got back from blatting round the Isle of Wight for the day.   Great roads, brilliant views, sunshine, pub lunch, more great roads. It's what owning a Westfield is all about.

It's like stepping back in time, no dual carriageways, twisty A roads. Great fun for a bored motorway driver.

The bikers were having a wonderful time on the coast road, flat out, no radar, no cameras and miles of visibility.

If you're down south then it worth the visit. (even the ferry is 10 quid cheaper with a voucher off the Wightlink website).

Roll on summer and more days like this.

Have fun.....

David. :D

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I am doing that very trip in a weeks time, albeit on a Bike as the Westy is not ready , can I ask how much the Ferry was and where did you go from.

JD   :cool:

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Hi James,

I went from Portsmouth on Wightlink but have just discovered that Red Funnel ferries at Southampton may be cheaper. They are cheaper for cars, don't know about bike prices but websites are here.

Red Funnel Ferries


Enjoy the day....


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