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Jeep Cherokee 2.5TD Sport


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The missus is thinking of getting a new car & may be perswaded to go for a 4x4, which would suit me as i need a tow car.

So far weve looked at

Rav4 - New ones are nice but wayyyyyy out of our price range. :arse:

Landrover Freelander - Too expensive & i here they are unreliable. :p

Honda CRV - Looks OK ;)

May look at

Jeep Cherokee 2.5TD Sport - What do you think?


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??? ........booooooorrrrrring. Do the poor woman a favour, you've got your toy, so why not let her have one of her own. £300 will see her fast-tracked through a motorcycle test and £5100 will see her sitting on a spanking new Harley Sportster 883 (which you could sell in 2 years for the same price you paid for it). If you can think of a better way to get your woman in black leathers I've yet to hear it.

:zzz: ......if you must, my brother drives a Cherokee 2.5TD Sport and reckons they're not half bad, mind you this is the same man who goes to Florida every year for his annual sabbatical

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Hi nanaman!

We have a CRV - its excellent! We were originally looking at Freelanders but couldn't find one we liked at a price we liked. Ended up with CRV and haven't looked back! Wife's sister then got a Freelander and its not a patch on the CRV.

Brother in law has a Jeep Wrangler 4.0 - thats a nice toy...!!

I think the Jeep diesels are a bit agricultural aren't they?


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I had a CRV as a family car for a couple of years.  I loved it....for what it was.  

They are an excellent all rounder, reliable, roomy, cruises on the motorway and handles closer to a car than any other 4x4.

I also drove a diesel cherokee for a short while - looks macho, but handled like a Masey Ferguson...Go for a CRV it will also blow away a freelander. :)

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Controversy now.

Apart from driving over the local golf course putting green, can anybody tell me what is the use of a 4x4 for family use (apart from standing in a pub and declaring the ownership of such)?

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Bob, having until recently commuted by car from rural West Sussex into non-rural West London (Richmond) I can tell you that there are way more 4x4s in London than out here in the sticks...most are on the 'school run' :t-up:  

They are inevitably driven by women who "like the high driving position"...... God knows why, as they never f*cking look where they're going  :angry:  ;)

Oh, and Bananaman, just to get back to the subject  :)  Cherokee 2.5td is good.......as a boat anchor   :0  :D  but the Honda CRV is a nice car (if a little thirsty...24mpg when I drove one, could just be me  :devil: ) and is very well built  :cool:

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If you can think of a better way to get your woman in black leathers I've yet to hear it.

Er......just ask...........that normally works, and *much* cheaper, with less hint of gayness, than riding a Harley.........  :0  :p  :D

I'm with Bob. What point a hulking great 4x4 for the Missus, unless she's some sort of agricultural consultant who visits farms, or actually drives off road proper?

If those are the only cars on the short list, I'd get a new short list...............or at least tell us what the planned use will be, for a more accurate analysis........

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I had a short journey as a passenger in one and was surprised at how well it accelerated. Felt nice, to be honest.

Know nothing else about them.


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We need a family car, for going on holidays & stuff.

We need 2 cars so we can get a sports car as well, maybe a 944?

I also need a tow car for my trailer.

The missus does not want an estate car or for that matter a family saloon but she has expessed an interest in a 4x4.

More of a fashion statement than anything else (I know don't say it).

This suits me as I can have the 944 & borrow the 4x4 for towing QED?

Andy :zzz:

P.S. The idea behind the Cherokee was that these cars can be thirsty & a deisel may help here, also may be better for towing. Anyway she looked at one on the Autotrader last night and was not impressed.

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Fair enough.......

FWIW, a friend had a Cherokee a few years back. 4.0l petrol, and quite big, BUT space inside was crap, and it was unrelaible. I'm not intending to start a "Cherokees are unreliable" argument, it's just that the one I have experience of was crap, OK......oh, and I wouldn't bet on the diesel being particularly economical.........

The missus does not want an estate car or for that matter a family saloon but she has expessed an interest in a 4x4.

Does she not want an estate/family saloon because of the size, or the image? Why has she expressed an interest in a 4x4. I'll bet she's seen the new RAV 4....... :devil:  :devil:  :D  :D

Oh yeah, how much you got to spend?

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Yep, CRV isn't most economical thing on the road. 25mpg round town, 30mpg possible on a run.

Its only 2 wheel drive.........unless you need extra traction when other 2 kick in......

Yes, you could have a "normal" car, but then why do we have Westy's......???

Its a great second vehicle (or third if you count the Westy!;) - ideal for family use, trips to the tip etc etc.

And its fun in its own right.

Finally, you can't beat Honda reliability....

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Mr Blat

She has seen the new Rav4 & yes i did have to drag her out of the show room explaining that yes it did look nice but no we didn't have £20k to spend.

We have about £7,500 which looks like it would get a reasonable CRV, she likes the Blue ones :sheep: .

As for the Estate/saloon thing it's more image i'm afraid, she can be a little high maintenace. :0  :devil:  :arse:

Andy :t-up:

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:D  :D  :D

I know exactly where you're coming from...........

Gotta say, CRV or maybe an earlier RAV4 sounds like an option, BUT I doubt the RAV would be a good tow car. It's a fashion car, not a working car, after all. I could be wrong though, and I have no experience of them, other than they get right on my t*ts......... For advice on tow cars, try a troll around the Caravan Club website (assuming they have one. IIRC, they do......). You never know, a RAV may well get a thumbs up from some-one..........

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She likes the new ones but i don't think the old ones come in the correct colour range. :0  :devil:  :devil:  :devil:  :D  :D  :D


P.S. Its bad enough having to get a 'SoftRoader' :blush:  noe your mentioning Caravans :arse:

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