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Further to a previous post from me asking about broadband, well I've just got it and to anyone else thinking about it I would offer the following:

1. The speed is incredible - 576.0 kbps

2. It's really easy to 'set up'

3. It's easy to disconnect and re-connect, just like before.

4. It's not as expensive as you may think - £20 for the bits,   and then £23.50 monthly. I was paying £15 per month with Freeserve, so it's only costing me £8.50 per month extra, forgetting the initial £20. (Pipex, thanks Blatman)

5. It's good to be able to use the fax / phone on the same line simultaneously.

So, there you are. Well worth it I reckon.


PS did I mention how fast it was?

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these lucky cable area people :D  Our closest cable firm Telewest covers the other side of the main road that our one is off, however according to their records we are not in there area so can't get it :angry:  ???  :sheep:

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It's bl**dy fast when comparing to the speed of 45.2kbps that I am used to. Which is of course what I was doing.  

Come on then...how do you get this 1Mbps?


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Lucky b*******s..... I have to make do with 128K ISDN which costs a fortune...

We will never get broadband... ordered a satalite service though. I know it will be crap but at least it will be 'always on'

now I just need to get radio standards aproval and hope the neighbors dont notice the bloddy great big dish... so sods law I wont be able to get that either............

/moan over

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If BT hadn't been complete profit making gits ISDN would have flooded the UK when it came out all those moons ago and it would of probably still been a viable cheap alternative to normal dial-ups today....I don't miss it thats for sure.

Incidentally I have a external USB ISDN modem in the loft if you want it....

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That's not fast  :p

(I've just upgraded to 1Mbps  :cool: )

how have you done that

Cancelled my contract with BT and signed up with Bulldog. Same price, double the speed.

Only available in central London at the mo though.

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Asimov's 'The Endochronic Properties of Re-sublimated Thiotomaline' pointed the way to the end result of this research 50 years ago.....  

data transfer rates involving the square root of minus one.....

Imagine getting your screen refreshed before you've clicked the button  ;)  ;)

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Pipex, thanks Blatman

My pleasure.

Come on then...how do you get this 1Mbps?

Pay more money........

If you really want an even faster connection, talk to Pipex. I'm sure they have "business" options with faster connection rates. You may need a "proper" DSL modem or router though, rather than just "the frog".........

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