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VX Westie

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My wife has required me to sell it...

My excuses for net selling it yet are:

a) I havn't finished repanelling the interior with carbon fibre (this one didn't work for some reason)

b) I was going to race it this year (they let list 1b tyre in around here :devil: ) (that one didn't work either)

c) No one buys in the winter....

d) We're not that broke..

e) Please???

f) Please.. Please???

I've shown willing... I've taxed it... And I'll put it up here for £8.5K really....

None of you b*******s had better buy it though...

I don't even want enquiries...

no interest at all ok...

its's winter, nobody wants to buy...

'97 SEi W (widebody)


200 bhp VX


 SBD Carbon exhaust and manifold

 Kent mild cams

Light-weight alternator

Light-weight battery in passenger footwell

Polo rad

Hardened engine mounts

oil cooler

Alloy Avo Shocks

Playskool carbon/grp seats

CarbonFibre interior side panels

RAC rollbar

Removeable steering wheel

FIA switch

Yoko A048r's


Sidescreens and wind-deflectors

Carpets (supplied, but in a bag!!;)

Spare wheel (supplied with mounting but not fitted!;)

Other stuff that I will remember eventually...


I hope youve told her that the 8.5K you hopefully wont get (cos people dont buy in winter) will NOT be used for any of the following;

1.New kitchen

2.New extension or any other unnecessary alteration to the house.(garage excepted)

3.New 3 piece suit/bedroom furniture etc

4.Holiday in the carribean

5.New car to replace her Morris minor.("there another 10 years in it yet love")


You can live in a car but you cant drive a house.


You have my sympathies.

Yours, showing no interest in buying it at all (except the harnesses)

Mark :(  :sheep:

I think you should sell the wife and keep the Westie :D:D:D:D:D:devil:

My wife came to the understanding very early on that the westfield will never be sold.....Unless to finance another one :D

She was frowning a bit though when I mentioned looking at Kevin Lealans vx car a while ago.

All I can say is.....If there's any way to keep hold of it....do so


Who wears the pants round your way?

:devil:  :devil:  :devil:  :devil:  :p  :D  :D  :D  :D

Seriously don't give in now or your whole life will be a series of retrograde steps in submissiveness ???  ???  ???

Put your foot down MAN this is an essential bit of kit which has intrinsic values FAR outweighing it's mear monatary value, it would be a BIG mistake to let it go.

Stick to your guns, she'll give up pestering you in a year or so.

Andy :suspect:


Stick to your guns, she'll give up pestering you in a year or so.

...and if she does continue to pester, just go out in it... :t-up:  :D


A year of submissivness... :devil:  

I can only dream ;)



Its only when you have 2 that the excuses get difficult but I am trying to convince my wife that it is possible to drive 2 at once or that she might like to drive one of them more often than just at theHarewood experience every year. Luckily they just squeeze into the garage side by side now that I have thrown out the lawnmower , bikes, 4 cats: :blues:  :sheep: : :p


CharliePsycho for god sake you got a colour that she would like its pink after all :D


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