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UK's earliest covid case?

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09 sep 2020   https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8711951/Grandfather-84-NEVER-left-UK-earliest-known-fatality-coronavirus-outside-China.html


"An 84-year-old man died at the end of January from Covid-19 - making him the UK's first coronavirus victim and throwing more doubt on China's claims about the start of the pandemic.

Peter Attwood, whose death a coroner has partly attributed to Covid-19, died on January 30 – more than a month before what was previously thought to be the UK's first virus death on March 2. It also makes him the first person outside of China who died of the virus.  

Post-mortem tests on Mr Attwood detected coronavirus in his lung tissue, leading the Kent coroner to record his cause of death as 'Covid-19 infection and bronchopneumonia'.

Mr Attwood's daughter Jane Buckland, 46, said that her father, from Chatham, Kent, was admitted to hospital on January 7 with a bad cough.

He had never travelled abroad and Jane fears he caught the bug off her, after she fell ill with coronavirus symptoms on December 15.

Her father then developed a dry cough on December 28 - a whole month before the first Covid-19 case was reported in the UK. 

China has previously insisted that the virus was not detected until near the end of December. It first notified the World Health Organisation of a cluster of people with a mystery illness on December 31.

However, Mr Attwood's case will bolster claims from critics of Beijing who have accused the Chinese government of a cover-up amid suggestions the virus spread there as early as October.

A Government spokesman said: 'Every death is a tragedy. There is no evidence that there was sustained transmission within the community in January 2020."


As new covid cases near 3000 per day a new maximum meeting limit of six will be imposed from Mon 14 sep 2020, which comes into effect after the St Leger racehorse event running 09 to 13 sep has finished. Possibly 3000 attendees daily so hopefully ensuring distancing and mask wearing.  


I'm convinced that sooner or later we will learn that the Chinks manufactured and released this virus deliberately....

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Accidentally, maybe. Deliberately would surely have been outside of it's borders...


Plenty of seemingly independent scientists have suggested the DNA profile of the virus leads them to believe this is a naturally occurring entity.

I'm sure the truth eventually will out, until then, to me at least, whether accidental, deliberate or naturally occurring is irrelevant. It's out there and we need to deal with it.

For now, intent is the distraction of politicians hoping to spin something...

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All of a sudden the mail and the sun are valid sources of info for us 🤣 -  pinch of salt bigger than Siberia. 


Must be true if it's in the Daily Mail!


Regardless of the paper the coroner's report is on record. I suspect the virus was here in December as well. We had several staff with the classic symptoms but they all got better before the year end.


China is a secretive country and anyone thinking they would put their hands up and admit it was there are foolish. Indeed they went to great lengths to try to blame the US for taking it there.


As for it being deliberately made, I suspect not otherwise why unleash it on your own people? Better to just let it go outside your borders and sit back and watch the mayhem in the capitalist world.


We will never know the truth but I have never been one for conspiracies when dangler up is usually the explanation 

1 hour ago, jeff oakley said:

We had several staff with the classic symptoms but they all got better before the year end.


Jeff, how would your staff distinguish between Flu and Covid 19?   Common symptoms that COVID-19 and flu share include:

  • Fever or feeling feverish/chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue (tiredness)
  • Sore throat
  • Runny or stuffy nose
  • Muscle pain or body aches
  • Headache

Given all we have heard about testing, false negatives, false positives , it would take more than one coroners report to convince me it was here in November/December, also I would wonder what it did until March, lay dormant? did it suddenly mutate into something more infectious in March. 


I can see why people are suspicious, I would need to see more, more post mortems, more evidence generally, to convince me.  The report mapping  the genetic code of our cases to France, Italy and Spain in late Feb and March is much more convincing for me. 20,000 cases analysed and mapped to a thousand or so individual 'importers' and where they had travelled from. 






I traveled across China from mid October to early November, am I the one who brought it in🤢🥵🤮


I would not readily dismiss the post-mortem findings of covid-19 in lung tissue.

However I recognise it is possible the 84 year old gent had a flu, was transfrerred to hospital and may have acquired covid-19 from an asymptomatic spreader within the hospital. The spreader may have been abroad.


BBC carried the story and interviewed the deceased's daughter, Jane, who believes she fell ill with coronavirus symptoms on December 15.

If correct who infected her? She wasn't tested as UK did not have a test then nor knowledge covid-19 existed.   


In May 2020, it was revealed that a patient treated in a hospital near Paris on December 27 for suspected pneumonia actually had coronavirus. The patient, who later recovered, said he had no idea where he caught the virus as he had not travelled abroad. 


Regarding infection within China, it's been theorised that it could have escaped from the Wuhan virology lab half a mile from the 'wet market'.


I saw the headline Boris' £100Bn moonshot plan and thought we now had our own manned moon-landing programme.

Alas not the case as it concerns 'yet to be developed science' to provide 10Mn covid test daily, possibly by Spring 2021. Nothing can go wrong.


Let's just go to the Moon instead.


These were young fit people who have never had flu before. Many of them had persistant coughs for weeks after, but you are right no one actually knows and that is the issue for us now.


I have three or four who are awaiting results as a place they visited had a confirmed case, usually a pub but so far we have had no confirmed cases at all.


When ever this arrived is almost irrelevant, how long it will be here is the key thing

2 minutes ago, jeff oakley said:

When ever this arrived is almost irrelevant, how long it will be here is the key thing


Agreed , we have deliberated over how and when it got here , sometimes just so we can point fingers. We need to understand the here and now, and the route forward.  


Serious questions need to be asked so we don't waste an even more enormous sum of taxpayers money.


Planning 10 Mn covid tests a day by Spring 2021???? ...really.

Where is the promised covid trace app. for England?


Have vast sums been paid to favoured companies with little expertise to produce poor results?


The Government are in a no-win situation so better to be condemned for activity than non-activity, no matter how the press and the opposition will spin it.


It seems to me that this far in to a pandemic, with known, easy to follow rules to prevent transmission it is tax payers CAUSING the problem now.

If we assume social distancing, face masks and hand washing are actually the right way to minimise transmission does it not follow that enough people are failing to do these three simple things, thereby causing an AVOIDABLE spike by being either forgetful or (as we have seen) more likely belligerent, complaining of "freedom" or "my rights" etc...


Me, I will follow the science, as the Government have. The great outdoors, to me, is still a public toilet... the one from Trainspotting...


And my own personal timetable for the pandemic is set to Christmas 2021. I am writing off this year and next in their entirety. If we get a working vaccine or EFFECTIVE treatment that render the virus as good as inert before Christmas 2021 then I'll be delighted. If not I'm applying to NASA to be on the first manned mission to Mars. They're going to need the internet out there, right? :oops: 


If all four Home Countries are following the same science I struggle to understand the difference between Scotland and Wales where Scotland introduced face mask wearing in shops from 10 July  but  Wales will only start from next Monday 14 Sep.


IIRC the first manned Mars landing mission is for 2031 and it's one-way only.  Will that be a problem?

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