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AB performance to close down

Simon Waterfall Syman84

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I didn't know where to put this but just seen on bookface


Over the years I have posted literally thousands of updates on this page regarding the activities at AB Performance Ltd
Many of you have been with us since the early days and watched AB Performance grow from myself and the superbike engine business to the full on production of no less than four superbike powered cars, sharing with us our triumphs and failures, highs and lows along the way.
Over the years we have sought to bring you many solutions to help simplify the fitment of superbike engines into cars.
Well my friends this is to be one of my last posts on the page, 2020 started with so much promise but has descended into a torrid year and after much soul searching I have taken the decision to close the business.
Over the next few weeks we will be finishing off the few remaining cars and sending out the last parts that have been ordered, after this there will be a period of time while we sell the remaining stock and equipment (so keep your eyes open here - you might grab a bargain)
I will shortly be releasing the details of the new owners of the various projects so if you own an AB Performance vehicle don't worry the support will still be available and I hope you will support the new owners as you have ourselves.
AB Performance has been a massive part of my life for some 18 years and whilst recent months have been incredibly stressful, I have loved sharing in your various endeavours over the years.
I would like to thank each and every one of you for your support over the years it truly has been amazing.
My special thanks also to Nick and Dave for their dedication over the years, with over 70 years of motorsport experience between them, they really have been the backbone of the business.
I am not sure what comes next for myself quite yet but I am looking forward to spending some long overdue time with my wonderful Wife Sheena who has given up so much to allow me to run AB Performance over the years.
So for now I wish you all the very best of success with your chosen disciplines and I look forward to seeing the results of your exploits
Warmest regards
AB Performance Ltd

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Very sad indeed.

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Great Shame, its pretty tough out there, sad to read.


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It is sad to hear of any company going through the mill but 2020 has taken it's toll on huge companies and small ones alike. This is nothing to do with Brexit it is all to do with Covid which has been an unprecedented event in human history.


Around the world companies have struggled and until we have a vaccine we will see knee jerk decisions made that have far reaching consequences for many people.


Hopefully those who are taking over the business will have success when this madness is over

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Sad to see another business owner having to take drastic action to preserve their own health, but great that the business and product is continuing.

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