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did it sell

steve wilson

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all a good idea!

Yep a superb idea and excellent installation  :D

One year at Ty Croes - Dave J blew an engine in the red one on the Saturday, cleaned the oil out and for Sunday & run on just one engine  :D  :D  ;)  :)  he was only a gnats over his previous times using two engines  :D  :D  :devil:  ;)  :D

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One year at Ty Croes - Dave J blew an engine in the red one on the Saturday, cleaned the oil out and for Sunday & run on just one engine

Umm...if that's true, then why bother with two?


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Tis 100% true - to quote that  :arse:  :arse:  :arse:  from Wales Max Boyce  :arse:  :arse:  :arse:  "I know cos I was there"

then why bother with two?

Cos he was one #### of a driver and drove like a  :devil: on Sunday without letting off  :D  :devil:

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all a good idea!

Yep a superb idea and excellent installation  :D

One year at Ty Croes - Dave J blew an engine in the red one on the Saturday, cleaned the oil out and for Sunday & run on just one engine  :D  :D  ;)  :)  he was only a gnats over his previous times using two engines  :D  :D  :devil:  ;)  :D

Crumbs, top effort!

Mine is absolutely gutless on one engine - presumably on account of lugging the other one around. Although thinking about it, the only time I've ever driven it on one I think we were 2 up anyhow so p'raps not a very fair test!

Had great plans of driving on one engine when pottering about and then starting the other up to blat - never happens like that though. It's all a bit too addicitive to shut one down!  :love:

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..then why bother with two?

Think this is one of those "if you have to ask, you won't get it" type things.  :t-up:

I did it to be different, and cos it's more of a engineering challenge than just dropping a single engine in.

It does offer some clear advantages (in theory at least  :devil: ).

- The total cost of conversion (from where I was at anyhow) is comparable with, say, a very high spec XE engine. But if/when the XE lets go, you're left with most of that cost again in rebuiling the engine. Whereas if/when an engine lets go in a twin, it's cheap as it is completely unmodified. (that hasn't quite worked out as the engines used to date are getting a bit scarce..)

- You can still drive home if you break an engine. (as long as you aren't miles away and the engine with the alternator on it is the one that breaks  :devil: )

- It always draws a crowd. (well, that's good if you're a showoff anyhow! )  :blush:

There are obviously disadvantages too, as with anything, but I'm trying to fix most of those at the moment!!  :D

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The total cost of conversion (from where I was at anyhow) is comparable with, say, a very high spec XE engine. But if/when the XE lets go, you're left with most of that cost again in rebuiling the engine.

I disagree, I only had to divert all monthly morgage payments to a certain Mr Broughton to keep mine in excellent condition :blush:

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