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rear number plate


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Hi All,

Was there a recent link asking people to put a picture of their Westfield (Rear ends only!!) 


I'm looking to have the back of my Westfield wrapped with graphics, so want to move the number plate.

What is the minimal size for a number plate, also can you have (legally) a square one?


Many thanks.

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There's no legal size for the plate, it's the size of letters and spaces that matter 

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Yes, you can legally have a two line square plate. See attached documents. Drop me a PM with the plate you wish to display and I'll advise on the smallest legal sized plate you can have. You need extra room for the UK flag (though you can put a separate UK sticker on the car instead if Euro-blatting is required.




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My tin top has a single digit number in the reg which is a 1 and hence my plate isn't as long as one with 3 digits in. I was given a pull some years ago by a non traffic copper who was certain my plate was illegal and was too small. However the spacing, letter sizes and border width are bang on the legal minimum and it took about 10 mins of discussion before the 'penny finally dropped' that it was the single no.1, making it smaller


e.g. T1ABC

compared to




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I’ve had shorter plates for almost 30 year had and same as Ian, I pull long time ago for gong a bit too quick 😜after a ticking off, he then started on the plate size......... but I’d already checked the law and the copper clearly didn’t know, so I explained it and although he argued the toss, you could see he was more annoyed that I was more informed than him.

 As long as your font and spacing are correct and you have 11mm reflective border you will have no problems.

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hi guys.

Many thanks for your responses, it had definitely given me something to think about. 



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21 hours ago, Ewan said:

Here’s the back of my car, just to show a “square” number plate option.



Thanks Ewan, I think that's what I'll be going for. What about the number plate light? 

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8 hours ago, snowy892 said:

What about the number plate light? 

Is it not on top of the Reverse light? Look like it to me.

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