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Russia 'claims' covid vaccine first.

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11 aug 2020  https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/coronavirus-russia-world-first-vaccine-approval-putin-latest-a9664376.html


"Coronavirus Russia: Putin says world's first vaccine has been approved for use".


Based on very limited testing it sounds pretty optimistic.

Also Russia's official covid figures are very low compared to many countries.  https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/russia/


Coronavirus Cases: 897,599   Deaths:  15,131  giving a ratio fatality rate of only 1.69%.


"According to Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova, Russia plans to begin inoculating medical staff in August, with mass vaccination starting early next year. Health Minister Mikhail Murashko said a course of two shots would provide immunity for up to two years."




In mother Russia you do not test, you are the test

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Vodka based?

  • Haha 1

While there's no denying the Russians have lots of experience with biological and chemical....compounds....  I think I trust what they say about as much as I trust anything coming out of China or North Korea TBH. To be clear, this is a comment on the regime, not the typical bloke in the street.

1 hour ago, Alan France said:

Vodka based?

I thought the same as you Alan.


As advocated by the Belarusian leadership.


The Russian claims about a vaccine are about as trustworthy as their covid data figures.

35 minutes ago, CraigHew said:

The Russian claims about a vaccine are about as trustworthy as their covid data figures.



You'll be telling us next you don't believe in Santa :sheep:


Jury is out for me. Yes the Russians and Chinese have a habit of making bogus claims and the immediate reaction is to be sceptical. BUT they do occasionally get things right. How do we know right here right now that they didn't get this right? Just 'cos they have a habit of lying doesn't mean they are lying about this.

And they really do want to get this right because it wold be an amazing coup for Putin and Mother Russia. Lets see if we get any independent information to corroborate their claims.

52 minutes ago, Blatman said:

Just 'cos they have a habit of lying doesn't mean they are lying about this.



Oh how my ribs ached after reading this.


Much better than the recent daily puns we were seeing.

12 minutes ago, CraigHew said:

Much better than the recent daily puns we were seeing.

😝 ...and yet you kept opening and reading them.  That’s like saying the food tastes terrible while complaining the portions are too small. 😂

  • Haha 1


No reason to suspect that Russian scientists haven't done just what Oxford have done, developed a vaccine candidate that looks as though it does the job.  What they have done that Oxford/UK Govt can't do, is  give it emergency approval after phase 2 clinical trials 'indicate' a) that it is safe and b) it appears to have the desired effect.  Phase 1 and 2 trials are the easy bit, and seem to have involved about 80 people!


They are in effect carrying out their phase 3 trial on the public at large, phase 3 is when tens of thousands get it and they confirm safety and efficacy, whilst refining the dose and putting the detail on the label. 


This is something you won't get away with in the west, because you open yourselves to lawsuits of many many billions.  I guess few people sue the Russian government. 







Safe from COVID and able to complete the 100m in sub 9 seconds. What could go wrong.


There is a great pic doing the rounds of Vladimir Putin sporting a great pair of breasticles with the tagline that the Russian vaccine has no side effects, but I haven't got the guts to post it..... 😂😂

Don't really fancy a ban from the forum..... 😢

  • Haha 1

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