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Bike engine cars


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I'm not saying everyone should worship BECs... I'm saying each to their own taste...If someone likes car engines, I wont try and convert them... but you cant slag off bike engined cars just on hearsay...

Have you ever driven a bike-engined-westfield?

Have you ever done a full season of trackdays/racing in a BEC?

Have you ever done a full season of trackdays/racing in a CEC?

How you think you know better than Westfield, Radical, Jedi, OMS, Force, Fisher, ADR, grass trackers, etc etc etc is above me....

Tell them its a passing craze...

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Leave the Philistines alone Al, they can't help it.

And don't tell them about changing a clutch in under an hour. :devil:

We all know Jap bike engines don't last - the Brit bike community told us so in the 60's. :blush:

I wonder if my Fireblade engine knows the difference between being in a bike and being in a car ...  :sheep:  :durr:

Probly blow it up tomorrow :blush: then it would cost me at least £800 and about 2 hours swapping it over to put another (newer) one in :p

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maybe im new here but sorrey l asked,it was just that there wasnt much on the westi site and it just interested me but l wont ever mention it again.sorrey sorrey sorrey please forgive me, l love you all . :devil:

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I guess (but never looked) that


ought to be a good starting point.

Personally, never been in a BEC, but for me, In theory they really sound like the way to go - but i confess to thinking that a the bigger cc engines have gotta be better than the less than 1litre engines (in theory)....

I mean, if <1 litre were really that good why don't we here more about conversions of older cars to 500cc 2 stroke power! :devil:

When Im "allowed" to get a Se7en again BEC's will be the first type I look at.   :blush:

But maybe they'll be rejected after experience??


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The ~1ltr engines are just better value, better bang per buck.

There is no doubting the busa is quicker though. Its just a dry sumped busa is about 5K, whereas a blade (which doesnt require dry sumping) is <1K.

Value for money is the spirit of the things...

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Don’t listen to them, the BEC are rubbish

THEY are too loud for a start, and I mean REALY loud, every one stops and looks when you drive past .

There are way too many revs to use, 12,000rpm?  Who can be bothered to wait that long for the needle to reach the top?

They are very confusing, and have 6 gears, I lose count after 4, and the gear stick is just stupid, it’s a click forwards or a click back,   they tell me its 1 down 5 up or something complicated like that.

They are way to light for a start,  so your tyres and brakes will last for ever, rotting on your car making it look really old and stuff

I know some dude who blew his engine at donno last year, it cost him a WHOLE 850 to put a new one in.

Where is my pipe and slippers, anyone want to trade my blade for something with carpet in???  HEHEHEHEHE YOU HAVE CARPET IN YOU CARS ;)

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narrowminded/uninformed/inexperienced opinion

??? .........so anyone who doesn't worship at the shrine of BEC is narrow-minded are they, Yal? Inexperienced? I've been using bike engined vehicles for 30 years and I remain convinced, until I see long-term evidence to  contrary, that the best place for a bike engine is in a bike. Personally, I couldn't give a toss whether you can be arsed to argue or not, if you've got something to say that adds to the debate then say it, otherwise......

children please calm down

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I knew it would end in tears once all the teddies had been thrown from their prams  :devil:  :D  :devil:  :D  :D  :D

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Its always the way, thats why can never be arsed!

There are groups of people who appreciate both sides of the fence, myself and Nick are probably in this class now (after many arguments on this subject in the past!;)

Then someone will leap in and say BECs are better than CECs for _all_ applications. Or CECs are better than BECs for all applications and the whole thing kicks off!

I personally only take any merit in opinions of people who know the whole picture, and have experience of both camps!

Which IMO:

BEC for reliable (if properly sorted wrt reverse etc), unique (revs and gears), cheap to run track cars (grand an engine), odd weekend blast (if looking for a buzz).

CEC for mixture of trackdays, road use, touring europe etc. Picnics.

Thats not to say CECs arent as good as BECs for trackdays, just BECs are better value for money for that application (especially Blades). The torque characteristics of CECs does seem to make them more goonable.

Please dont leap in and argue with anything in this message anyone!



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:t-up:   :D

The only thing I would add is that, when looking at car engines, provided you're keeping it relatively standard then engines are cheap as chips (esp Zetecs) and it's only a case of swapping over a few ancillaries if you want to drop a new engine in.  Yes, it's a bit more faffing about, but it's not expensive.

In terms of more highly developed car engines then I think a fairer comparison would be with a Busa engine which, at 3K a go, isn't quite as cheap an option, especially when you factor in initial expenditure on dry sumping, etc.

There's a load of rubbish spouted about how unreliable BECs are and how they always go *BANG*, but practical experience would suggest otherwise.  And from what I've been lead to understand, a lot of the engines that have gone *BANG* have been cheap, high mileage ones which probably would have gone *BANG* anyway.  In that respect they're no different to putting in cheap, high mileage car engines....

The biggest problem with the BEC / CEC debate is that the, shall we say, less well informed parties tend to be staunch supporters of their particular camp and personal pride gets in the way of reasoned discussion.  Just look at the c******m / Westfield "discussions" and insert BEC / CEC to see what I'm on about....

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You wouldn't let in lie would ya  :devil:  :D  ;)  :D  Always gotta have the last word  :devil:  :D  :D  :devil:  :D

Oh no you haven't

oh yes you have

no i ain't

yes you have

:devil:  :devil:  :devil:  :devil:  :devil:  :devil:  :devil:  :devil:  :devil:  :D  :D  :D  :D  :p  :p  :devil:

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Me or Al ??

Actually, to be fair, I think Al and I have both changed our initial views, based on reasoned discussion and practical experience of both types of engine, and have reached a sort of middle ground.  We can see each others point of view  :t-up:   Even if that doesn't necessarily mean we're sufficiently persauded to "defect"  :D  :p

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Just to add, I'm now hooked on the JEC concept (Jet Engined Car), 1million miles between services, 1,000 BHP, Ok a little bit heavy, and who worries about traction it just blows you along the road.

So who's going to be the first to build a Westie one, then we can have some real debate, not this which Piston engine is best c**p.

:D  :D  Nick  :D  :D

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Any fool knows that Turbo-props are much better than jet engined Westies...

Plentiful in scrapyards and don't need dry sumping...

:p   :p  :p

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