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Probably a really simple one for all the computer whizzs out there,but me being not so computer friendly cannot work out how to add a picture to my new topics.A lot of members have pics of there cars etc above there names but this seems to be outwith my abilitys.Please advise.

                           "IN LAMEN TERMS"


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The picture needs, from what I've gathered in my equally non-puter-literate way, to be on a web-site.

You can then click on the image button above, enter the web-site address, and hey presto, the picture appears !

If you're talking about avatars (the piccy under your name) then you need to use a picture on a web-site and you can handle that through "Your Control Panel" at the top of the page.

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For those without web-sites, I'm in discussion with Adrian and Westy to have a central location for people to upload images for use in avatars (and perhaps for pasting into topics).

Watch this (or more accurately, that -> space).

Still watching? Good.


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