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Favourite Play or Film

jeff oakley

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Blade runner 1 definitely not 2

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The films that have stayed with me are the original Star Wars Trilogy. When Star Wars A New Hope came out I was 12 or 13. Seeing THAT opening shot changed me forever.


But I also have "films of the moment" which I'll re-watch for a period of time. Currently that's both Deadpool movies and I'm quite taken with Deepwater Horizon and the new "Kelvin Timeline" Star Trek movies. Ask me again in 6 months though and I'll likely have a different answer when it comes to "films of the moment". Star Wars is forever though.


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For A Few Dollars More and Jeffrey Bernard Is Unwell with Peter O’Toole.

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In no particular  order....


Green mile,  Schindler's list  


The  original starwars (great memories of watching those on VHS in uni when supposed to be revising),   and then revisited on DVD with my youngest.  I like the modern ones to.    


Then for pure laughs....   Ferris Bulers day off,  All the American pie films....    Best watched with beer and without wife judging or asking questions  


Dare i say it but I've recently on Prime watched the later of the Rocky films, Rocky balboa and  Creed.   I have enjoyed them to.    

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+1 for Kelly's Heros although I do like a bit of Star Wars IV, V, VI, and Flight of the Intruder.



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Loving a lot of these films and I was a Star Wars child (all the toys 😁) but The Usual Suspects, The Man who would be King, Where Eagles Dare, Bronson, Warrior.


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The original 'Godfather', and 'An Inspector Calls' (Alastair Sim). The second one has lessons for us all. Many others - too many to recall at this hour.


Oh yes, 'The Red Balloon' and 'Jazz on a Summer's Day' (both on Youtube) and 'An Incident at Owl Creek Bridge' also on YT

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10 hours ago, Man On The Clapham Omnibus said:

'Jazz on a Summer's Day

Just watched this great piece of jazz history , nothing better to cheer up on a wet & windy day in Lancashire .

Loved the piece at 5 mins in :laugh:



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13 minutes ago, pistonbroke said:

Just watched this great piece of jazz history , nothing better to cheer up on a wet & windy day in Lancashire .

Loved the piece at 5 mins in :laugh:




Dare not ask if that is similar to "Joseph and the golden honeypot".

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Don't see the connection with honey pots,  but this has got to be worth a watch for us petrol heads for the piece at 5 minutes in !




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Like my films 


Seen lots as been on love film and now cinema parisido.


Seen so many to hard to chooseba favourite. Really like the life aquatic 


One of the best foreign films I've seen is on the iplayer at the moment. It's called untouchable and it's french and a true story. If your stuck it's worth a watch.

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