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Keeping it in the street


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Point of order, Sooty.

I would rather not discuss the details of how it works on an open forum but a private email will allow me to divulge a bit more!

If he doesn't want to discuss his security in public, why are you trying to guess what he has by naming a possible system?

*shakes head*

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I've got a dummy security camera mounted to the wall 'looking' at my driveway. It's got a flashing red LED that may deter some types of messers/thieves. Get them for about £30 from security shops.

Another idea for the peace of mind point of view is one of those small cameras that hook up to your TV/Video, the sort you can eyeball visitors at the door before you open. A mate has got one of these overlooking his driveway, when he hears someone outside he just changes channel on his TV and can see exactly what's going on. If you keep a blank tape in your video you could always record this for evidence, although best to remember that evidence of you beating sh*t out of somebody trying to vandalise/steal your car may not be the right sort of evidence.

Taking it a step further, and this'll only work when you're at home, how about leaving one of those wireless baby listeners in the car so that you can hear anyone messing with it from indoors.



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I've got a dummy security camera mounted to the wall 'looking' at my driveway.

;) ........that would be the dummy security camera mounted to the wall 'looking' at your driveway you've just told the world about then.

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Where does minghis live though?...  So really he can tell us what he wants about his home security.

I'm feeling pretty happy about security now.  As a min I will have:

- Immobiliser

- Alarm ('radar bubble' type if it works with the cover)

- Cover

- Locking wheel nuts

- removeable s'wheel (at some point)

- bonnet locks

- wheel chain

- BASE BALL BAT. (You think I'm joking? :cool:)

Should do the trick I think.

Jon ;)

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Thanks JR, you're right, of course.

The dummy camera will only fool a small percentage of the thieves, so I have nothing to fear from anyone 'normal' enough to be viewing these pages. I have to have, by law, extremely good home security for a very good reason that I won't go into here.

Also, if anyone approaches my door, I can, living where I do, lean out of my window and growl in a very west country accent "get off me land"


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.......and have a look here for HERE for alarms.

Fortunately the lovely people at Target Technology are just down the road, so I will be paying them a visit.

Now very excited about the new car......


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have any of you who are commenting kept a westie on the street.  i think your all a bunch of miserabalist pessimists ;)

jr - just to add some positive feed back.  i kept my westfield parked outside a row of terrace houses in newcastle on and of for a year or so.  I lived in a shared house and the westie had to take its turn with the mgbv8 of my housemate.

no alarm, immoboliser etc etc etc.  no keys (push button start).  no cover (split tonneau).  removable steering wheel.

i think twice the split tonneau was undone (just people wanting a look) and once the wing mirror was moved (but so were all the other cars - ****** students).

it even lived outside for a couple of weeks on axle stands after i had damaged the rear suspension - not a problem (i was worried someone nudging it off them whilst parking).

when i remebered/could be ar5ed i used to take the spare wheel off - this was only held down with a strap.

dont worry, shrug if anything does happen and just be glad you bought the car.  i bought the car instead of buying a house :)  :)  :)


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...have any of you who are commenting kept a westie on the street.  i think your all a bunch of miserabalist pessimists

:0 ....yes I have and I'm not being a "miserabalist pessimists" I'm talking from experience of having halfwit, underachieving ****s thinking they can abuse someone's property because they're "deprived". If you want me to catalogue the damage and thievery my car has endured in B&Q car parks, health centre car parks, schools and even when parked in some of England's most delightful villages I'm quite happy to bore you with the details.

:angry: ....chain it, alarm it, keep it in a garage and beat the living **** out of any toe-rag who touches it and you'll be OK.

:angry: ....I also so refute your assertion that pessimists are miserable

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apologies fatboy.  my miserabilist pessimists was fairly tongue in cheek hence the  ;)

sorry to hear that your experiences have been very different to mine. :(

i was trying to get across that i have had a lot of good experiences, and in what some may class not the greatest of areas.  my car is left all over the place, is used for the weekly shopping trip to tescos, left in a multi stori car park in newcastle whilst i go shopping, runs to b&q (funny photo of me driving home with ladders stuffed into the passenger footwell) outside friends houses whilst i go out on the lash.  Ive also left it in Blyth for a few days whilst i go away sailing.

not all my experience's have been great - i was in a car dealership when i looked out the window and saw some kids removing the roof from the boot (and believe me I would have killed em if i had got my hands on them).

perhaps i have just been lucky.  

one thing tho, i do se7ening on a relatively tight budget and somebody had told me to go out and spend a shed load more cash on alarms and immobolisers and bonnet locks etc then i would have been dishartened and may not have bought the car.

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