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So close I can taste it


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Just one and a half days till I pick up my kit!!! :D  :D  :D

Can't wait, I really really can't wait. I've got 2 weeks booked off work from March 10th to March 21st, for 14 days of solid building.

The ally panels are being powder coated next week (£55 versus Westfields £250!!;) and I'll take the wishbones in to work and press all the bushes in, as well as assembling the driveshafts.

Then it's pop down to the garage on the weekend (garage in London, I'm in Warwick) and get them brake lines and some ally panels on the car.

Then 2 weeks to get the car panelled, loom fitted, all 4 corners on, steering in, fuel tank-pump and line in, engine bolted to mounts and whatever else I can manage in those 14 days.

Then I need to get it trailered up to Leamington when I have the use of a double garage until Sept. Not sure how I'll get it there yet seeing as I don't have a trailer or a tow car, but it'll happen.

Then just non-stop finishing it off!!!

Wish me luck, there will be a very full build diary coming soon.


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Well, whether I can actually get all that done in anything like the time I wanna is another story. That's just my plan.

Ive got all the tools, and I've already recon'd the cortina uprights, and got a nice shiny recon'd pair of rear calipers.

Working in an office above a rather large workshop at Land Rover's Design and Engineering Centre kinda has it's advantages too, and also knowing many many engineers who would be more than happy to help out is also kinda useful.

Getting to a rolling chassis won't take me long. Getting the engine to being a runner might be a different story altogether.


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When you're ready, come over to the Northants meet with some of the other Leamington area members.

I am sure if you need help they would chip in, keep us up to date with your build.

Good Luck

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Will do.

As soon as I manage to get my pipex web space working I'll start putting a build diary up. I'll try to make it as detailed as poss.

Failing that I'll just have a piccy of the car in as it ends each day up in my avatar.

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lots of discussion a while back regarding the merrits of getting the factory to do the panel rivets.....or how best to go about doing it yourself!

do a search :D

Two weeks will fly by once you start smelling that silicone sealant (or use high bond for extra stiffness)

Good luck & enjoy....get your forearms in training now!  :t-up:

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Come and join us at Ye Olde Saracen's Head in Balsall Common

(about 5 miles from Leamington) any 3rd Thursday in the month. 7.30pm start. Warwickshire area meet.


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Will be there.

I'm not paying the fortune that the factory charge for the rivetting. I reckon it's gonna be the single longest task of the build, but I'm not sheeling out hundreds of pounds for someone to drill holes and fit pop-rivets!

Besides, I want black panels and for the factory to fit them, they'd have to be coated by them too. That would bankrupt me!!

Tis gonna be a whole load of fun.


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I'm not sheeling out hundreds of pounds for someone to drill holes and fit pop-rivets

No, i completely agree.....i was just wanting to bring your attention to the obvious importance of making sure you drill and rivet the panels whilst not flexing the chassis!

I took me a while to get mine done.....luckily i had a mate to pick up the rivet ends for me...paid him in beer and conversation!

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Balsall Common

not to be confused with Balsall Heath  :devil:  :devil:  :blush:  :blush:  :durr:  you can drive slower on the common and closer to kerbs  :devil:  :devil:  :blush:  so I've been told  :D  But the currie houses are'nt so authentic  :D  :)  ;)

Kettle is sold  :D  :devil:  :)  Got a deal on some spoons  :devil:  :D

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I've had my kit just over a fortnight.   I bought the first two, and fourth module so I had all my panels fitted at the factory.  My body shell is now on, the back end is complete (including the cool looking but challenging to fit carbon effect rear lights).   I'm still looking for a Zetec old enough to pass SVA on carbs, but as I only aim to finish the project in June, there's no hurry.   So far, it's been fun, a little challenging (getting the right bits from the factory, and a front calliper that doesn't leak), and above all rewarding.   Enjoy your build :D

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Good look and enjoy it, I've almost finished my second, this time a BEC, word of advice, do do do do fit the fuel line/s and brake line down the centre tunnell before you panel it ;)

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