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team westfield


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i will take it from the lack of response that team whatfield did not do a lot for people last year  :0 so does this mean that all the people who paid to join team whatfield last year  :arse: are going to do more things with the wscc this year , ;) a real team  ;)  :durr:  :arse:

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24 hours yer jokin arn't ya  :( more like an hour ,i aint pedlin around chuffin curby for 24hours  :arse: you can if you want to  ;) watch out for regs arriving soooooooooooooon :0  ;)

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come on you know that you should not ring up the enties secretary and give them an ear bashing you would not want to make him angry  :angry:  :0  ;) would you mason  :durr:

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looks like team westfield is alive and well, these events look good to me, maybe I will join this year. Last year when I rang them the insurance was very well priced, but *didn't* include track day cover!!


£250 worth of Westfield discount vouchers

Choose either the self build voucher book

discount off parts & accessories

Or the existing owner/factory build voucher book

discounts off track days, car upgrades, servicing and accessories

Exclusive Team Westfield Insurance & Road Rescue Packages

Including discounted premiums

Upcoming Events

Team Westfield MIRA Session –

Saturday 29th March 2003

Opportunity for Team Westfield members to spend a morning or afternoon session at MIRA’s unique testing facilities. You will have use of the exclusive dry handling circuit and the opportunity to experience a demonstration on the high speed circuit.

The cost will be £70 per car and driver. £15 per additional guest.


Team Westfield Defensive Driving Afternoon –

Saturday 12th April 2003

The afternoon event has been designed for anyone who has ever felt nervous or intimidated whilst driving. It is aimed to give any driver extra confidence behind the wheel. The session will be presented by the Police to show how, through simple actions, they can put themselves in a safer position. By taking a pro-active approach to safety and security the risks and dangers of everyday driving can be significantly reduced.

The cost for Team Westfield members will be £22 per person.


Team Westfield Treasure Hunt –

Sunday 8th June 2003

Join a small group of fellow owners as you leisurely explore some of the most beautiful Warwickshire countryside solving various clues.

Cost to be confirmed


Team Westfield Champagne Experience –

September 12th – 14th 2003

An opportunity to join a small group of fellow members for a 3-day weekend trip to explore the beautiful champagne region in France. Members will be escorted all the way to Troyes, the ancient and beautifully unspoilt town in the south of the Champagne region. Troyes will be our base for both nights where you will enjoy three-star accommodation at Le Champ des Oiseaux, described by The Observer as one of the 20 most charming hotels in France.

Cost to be confirmed


Team Westfield Donington Track Day –

Date to be confirmed

This event includes a full day’s track use at the famous Donington track with use of the open pit lane. Team Westfield ARDS drivers will be there throughout the day to assist any newcomers and offer specialist advice.

The cost for this event will be £245 per person. £50 per additional guest.


Team Westfield Introduction to Sprinting –

Date to be confirmed

This introduction to sprinting will take place at the Curborough Circuit near Lichfield. The day will commence with a briefing and will include choosing your car, types of tyres, engine choice, safety clothing, gaining a licence, scrutineering, setting up the car, driving under instruction covering race craft, racing line, breaking and acceleration techniques.

The event is aimed at the novice to sprinting or hill climbing administered by qualified instructors.

The cost of this event will be £125 per person.

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Some points to think of, before you rush in and sign up

£250 worth of Westfield discount vouchers

These are, free powder coating if you buy a new chassis etc

discounts off track days, car upgrades, servicing and accessories

Off THERE stuff here is one example

Team Westfield Donington Track Day –

Date to be confirmed

This event includes a full day’s track use at the famous Donington track with use of the open pit lane. Team Westfield ARDS drivers will be there throughout the day to assist any newcomers and offer specialist advice.

The cost for this event will be £245 per person. £50 per additional guest.


See Here have a Donnington track day 19th March for £175

and one on the 21st for £119 and they don't charge anything for a additional guest.

This is of course just my view.

But if you decide not to join please let me know and I will stop going on about the factory, forever. I sware!!!!!

*All I wanted was free postage*

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*all i wanted was free postage *                                    think yourself  lucky they didn't hit you round the head with a baseball bat ,cheeky kids  :0

there seems to be a lot of to be agreed's in there and to be confirmed mr h ,still hope it all works out  :D

though it does seem very errrrrrrm expensive

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Is there any chance someone could post an item on the Team Westfield website telling folks of all the benefits and joys of joining the WSCC  :D  :D  :devil:  :)  :D  as well  :D  :)  :blush:  - Just a thought  :blush:  :blush: only seems equal.

Oh and the sprinting tuition days do fill up quickly, so if you wanna do one - check out the Shenstone and district Car Club website as well, they're the ones that organise the curborough tuition days and provide food etc  :D  ;)  I think there's one in the next month or so for about £120.00  :D  :)

If you wanna do some European sight seeing trips with confirmed dates and prices,  Jonathan Bowles at Continental Car Tours organises loads throughout the year as well  :D  :)  There you go hope everyone gets a mention  :D

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spam boy you know i would love to post it on the tw site ,but my fingers seem not to work errrrrrrrrr very well when i think about it  :0 errrrrrrrrrr do they have a website  :durr:

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