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Took a drive to South London from Milton Keynes at the weekend, although cold it was great. Both there and back I had a great drive (although I needed the helmet) and roaring through Picadilly on Sunday in the Westie was really funny. Roll on the hot weather...

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Yep, on saturday Mike Dixon and I took Marcus ? on his first blat he joined us straight from picking his car up  :0

From Oldham we went through Denshaw onto the A640, lots of rivers running across the road, some of them were sheet ICE but we got through them ok, up past Scammonden dam, (the speed series guys should know this road) on to Huddersfield,

down to Holmfirth then back on the A635, great!!!! the last bit was a bit of a pain with loads of roadworks on the 635, Marcus loved it, not a bad first blat, just under 50 miles of blue sky, tempertures below freezing, sheet ice and slush, he should be ready for anything now.


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good to hear marcus is enjoying his new purchase, thats a nice car hes got there (expertly built  :D ) i will hopefully be joining you myself soon (with a bit of luck)  :D

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My own fault, but missed the opportunity..... :(

Spent Saturday in the pub.......had to get p******** to make up for abyssmal rugby.......I'm Welsh   :blush:  :sheep:  :sheep:

Then got son wrapped up, strapped in, on Sunday morning.....5 minutes up the road - fast asleep.....again!!


Had to take him back home - too cold to leave him sleeping - as soon as he was inside, he woke up !!!

Opportunity lost!

So I washed it instead..... ???  :p

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Your day will come soon Paul  :D

then you can come out and play also  :t-up:

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On Saturday, I joined a queue of 8 or 9 Cateringvans out for a blat - it's only the second time I've 7-esque cars in Jersey so it was a bit of a surprise.  What wasn't a surprise was that they completely blanked me when they pulled up at a local watering hole  ??? .  Not sure whether this was down to driving a Westie or the fact that I looked a bit of a dishevelled mess. :D Amusingly, though, I was out in the Aston a bit later and caught up with them again.  This time they were more than happy to discuss their little cars  :D  :D  :arse:  :arse:

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My own fault, but missed the opportunity..... :(

Spent Saturday in the pub.......had to get p******** to make up for abyssmal rugby.......I'm Welsh   :blush:  :sheep:  :sheep:

Opportunity lost!

So I washed it instead..... ???  :p

Chris - are you coming to Northants meet next week.

Good news for you is you don't have to wait that long to see me as I will be in Cardiff on Saturday for you know what.

Just make sure the away scoreboard can accomodate 3 figures.

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If you grt a chance, can you have a quick measure of your tank as discussed at the last area meet.

I will measure mine so we can compare sizes  !!!!!  :)  :)



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I will be in Cardiff on Saturday for you know what.

:sheep:  :sheep:  :sheep:  :sheep:  :sheep:  ???  :0  :devil:  :D What ???

I'm sure you will have a great day in Cardiff........are you staying down?

Now that will be impressive  :0  :D  :devil:  :D  :p  :D

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I will measure mine so we can compare sizes  !!!!!  

Width : 820mm

Length : 220mm

Height : Average 200mm (it is tapered over this dimension - 200mm is the measured at the mid-point)

Mine does nothave a swirl pot fitted as it runs on Carbs.

I hope this helps

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