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Have you ever wondered where and how yodeling began?

Here's the true story. Back in the olden days, a man was

traveling/skiing through Switzerland.  Nightfall was approaching, and

the man had nowhere to sleep. He skied up to a farmhouse and asked the

farmer if he could spend the night.

The farmer told him that he could sleep in the barn so the man went into

the barn to bed down, and the farmer went back into the house As the

story goes, the farmer's daughter (you knew this was coming, right?)

came downstairs and asked her father, "Who was that man going into the


"That's some fellow just traveling through," said the farmer. He needed

a place to stay for the night, so I said that he could sleep in the


The daughter then asked, "Did you offer the man anything to eat?"

"Um, no, I didn't," the farmer answered.

The daughter said, "Well, I'm going to take him some food." She went to

the kitchen, prepared a plate of food, and then took it out to the barn.

An hour later she returned. Her clothes were all disheveled and buttoned

up wrong, and she had several strands of straw tangled up in her long

blond hair. She immediately went up the stairs to her bedroom and

went to sleep. A little later, the farmer's wife came down and asked her

husband why their daughter went to bed so early. "I don't know," said

the farmer.

"I told a man that he could sleep in the barn, and our daughter took him

some food."

"Oh," replied the wife. "Well, did you offer the man anything to drink?"

"Umm, no, I didn't," said the farmer. The wife then said, "I'm going to

take something out there for him to drink." The wife went to the cellar,

got a bottle of wine, then went out to the barn. She didn't return for

over an hour, and when she did, her clothes were also messed up, and she

had straw twisted into her blond hair. She went straight up the stairs

and into bed.

The next morning at sunrise, the man in the barn got up and continued on

his  journey, waving to the farmer as he skied away from the farm and

toward the mountain. A while later, the daughter

woke up and came rushing downstairs. She went right out to the barn,

only to find it empty.

She went to her father and said "Where's the man from the barn?"

Father answered, "He left several minutes ago. "What?" she cried.

"He left without saying good-bye? After all we had together? I mean,

last night he made such passionate love to me. "What?" shouted the


The farmer ran into the yard looking for the man, but by now the man was

halfway up the side of the mountain. The farmer screamed up at him, "I'm

gonna get you! You had sex with my daughter."

The man looked back down from the mountainside, cupped his hands next to

his mouth, and yelled out,.......


And that's the true origin of yodeling..... :blush:  :blush:

Its OK, I've already got my coat on.......

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