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Alternative to trailer for towing


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I've bought a trailer but am having trouble storing it . . . so I wondered if these little dolly contraptions are any good ?

I know that if I crash the car and the rear wheels are damaged getting it home might be difficult, bit in principle are these OK ?

My car has a bike engine with a Sierra diff with ZF plate lsd . . . is there an issue with towing these ?

Any alternatives ?

Many thanks, Steve

ps  May have a trailer for sale if anybody is interested !

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Just found this . . . doesn't look good:

There are strict regulations on braked trailers and, whilst a braked 'A' frame attached to a towed car constitutes a braked trailer, it is not legal for transportation as it cannot comply with EC71/320. With car dollies, the situation is somewhat different. Under regulation 83 of the Road Vehicles (construction & Use) Regulations 1986 (SI.1986/1078) Amending Regulations, a car dolly, with a car in place, will be considered as two trailers. This is legal for recovery but, under the Road Traffic Regulations Act 1984 (Schedule 6) the combination is limited to 40 mph on motorways and dual carriageways and 20 mph elsewhere.

Note that there is a very specific difference between recovery and transportation. Recovery is the removal of a broken down vehicle to a place of safety. It does not include removing a rotor arm (for instance) and travelling the length and breadth of the country. The police are well aware of the difference due to the regulations covering Tachographs and Operators Licences. Recovery vehicles are exempt.

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Whatever difficulty you're having storing your trailer, persevere and stick with it. Towing dollys and A frames have been known to bend front suspension due to the twisting and weight  ;)  Trailers are safer and better in the long term  ;)

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Well done Steve for answering your own question.

I looked at this in some detail a while back, and came to the same conclusion......... :(  :(

Don't waste your money.......

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Thanks, my neighbours are currently plotting to change the regulations relating to the shared car park I use to exclude trailers because in their words "it's not very pretty".  (This is the Duck's old trailer)  It's the only trailer in there and there's no problem with space or access.

This car park is basically a muddy, water logged hole behind some old run down garages and nobody could possibly see the trailer from their flats, in fact it can't be seen from anywhere, there's a garage block that only has half a roof in the way, plus a tumble down bin store.  It's hardly an attractive area but some people have so little in their lives to occupy their time that whinging and moaning becomes a hobby.

The trailer isn't pretty, granted, but it's being serviced and a few new bits installed plus it'll be painted.  It's a solid piece of engineering . . . well, fairly solid :D

If they get this stropy about a trailer parked in the car park I hate to think what they'll say about a 'busa powered car being started and driven off the trailer at 11pm after returning from an event.  The ramps on the trailer can be very noisey  :0  Not to mention getting on the trailer in the first place . . .

Seriously, anybody know a Solicitor who can help ?

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Thanks, my neighbours are currently plotting to change the regulations

And are your neighbours local planning officers ?? - if its a car park and is designated as such by the Local Authority  ;)  In what way can your neighbours change its use  ???  ??? are they the landowners  ???

Shared access is shared access - unless sole ownership  ???

:devil:  :devil:  :devil:  :D  :D  :devil:  :arse:  to your neighbours

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Unfortunately it's a private car park for the use of the owners of a set of flats only, and we own the freehold.  I believe they can change the regulations of use.

It is an ar*e  :arse:   I think they need to get out more.  Then again, the regulations haven't changed  yet . . . :D

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