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Trying to become a new owner


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Obviously i'm a bit biased :p but I'd ignore the upgrade costs thread because thats not representative of what can be done for the money

If you do get into cost comparisons you might want to look at resale values as well as purchase prices. Any new car is going to depreciate quite a bit for the first couple of years but after that any given model of Caterhum or Wetfield tends to 'find its own level' so to speak on the seconhand market. Put it another way, you could lose a #### site more than the £2500 quoted above if you buy a new Westfield over a secondhand Caterhum for the same money (or vice versa)

Dont let Caterhums sales staff put you off, I've never been there but most people say they are a bit full of themselves.

Find your local owners clubs for both types of car and go along, the people in the owners clubs (I've been to both marques) are all a friendly bunch and will help you out a lot.

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...mmmmmmmm, jelly, whipped cream, thongs, oils, rubber and gas-masks.

They drew the line at the gas-masks but I was more than happy with their suggested replacements of bulldog clips and a particlarly large cactus.

Sul - going by Blatchat I believe you're in the Bristol area.  Going by they the local events bit of this site the Bristol/Bath area Westie guys meet up as follows:


Compass Inn (M4 J18 then away from Bath, 1st Right towards Tormarton).

3rd Thursday of the Month at 7:30pm


Ken Robson



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At last I've managed to get back on line.

Thanks once again for your experiences and opinions guys.

DMS- I will be going to the meet on the 20th and I can't wait.

To keep you all informed I visited the factory today and found the staff excellent in all respects. The only downside being that I wasn't allowed to drive the SEight, I had to be a passenger.

I loved the SEight and at the moment this looks like the car for me  :love:

Tomorrow I'm off to C......... to test drive the R300 and then off to Birkin on Thurs.

I'm sure they will be great cars BUT I can't get the noise of the V8 out of my mind.

:devil:  :D

All the best

Sul :cool:

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the v8 sound is one area where birkin or caterhum will not be able to help the other reason i  went for a westfield is that the rear of the car didnt look like a bent sheet of aluminium! fibreglass it is but at least it has some degree of finish ;)  if you see what i mean! ;)  ;)  i wouldnt let anyone drive my seight either ! so get your own! ;)

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On Birkins, I noticed a couple of things from the Birkin Australia site (okay okay wrong hemisphere an all that) but PRBBirkin seem to only do a Toyota 4AGE 20V (or 16V) variant

but I must admist at 540 kilos fully built & a 50 litre fuel tank instead of 26 its potentially interesting.

Plus they have  a free downloadable build manual (which Ihaven't looked at yet) - which you can't seem to get from anyone else for Free!



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90% of the Kit car stuff is Toyota in Aussie - (as are Westfields)  ;)  :D  They've been using the engines for years  ;)  :D  :)

Its only relatively recently that the UK market has "found them"  :D  :)

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Mark, nearly a good explanation......

Okay Okay so this is a rhetorical question & no-one here'll know the answer

If Westfield promote the 4AGE Toyota 16V/20V in Aus, why don't the list the parts required to build one in their parts list here? even if it did have a * next to it saying "long leadtime special order item" ?

Ditto Birkin - in S.A. UK USA & JAPAN! - they only promote Zetec (+X-Flow in S.A.) yet in Aus ONLY Toyota4AGE?  You'd have at least thought that in Japan their might be a few 4AGE's going spare.......

Confoooosed I is   :durr:  :durr:  :durr:

Sorry to bore you all with dimwhit statements :arse:

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If Westfield promote the 4AGE Toyota 16V/20V in Aus, why don't the list the parts required to build one in their parts list here?

We are perhaps entering into sensitive terrority  ;)  ;)  :blush:

Westfield (Aus) are not Westfield (UK) - same name, very similar car  ;)  :)  Nuff said.

Toyota engine meets Aussie emissions and build requirements - its a very tunable and a plentiful unit in Aus with loads of competition parts readily available  ;)  :D  :)

Birkin make stuff in SA and then its shipped out to relevant agents - each country has its own specific requirements.

Slip, Slap, Slop - G'day mate throw a shrimp on the barbie and pass me a stubbie  :D  :D  :cool:  :cool:  :D  :cool:

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All this talk of Toyota engines has got me thinking - my Westfield is for sale here My Car with Toyota engine, 162 BHP and virtually 300 BHP per ton - same as R300.  Cracking car ask anyone! Also you'll save a fortune as I spent all the money doing it up last winter, and now need to sell it quickly.

Richard Brown

Uxbridge, Middlesex

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Cracking car ask anyone!

It's a cracking car  :D  :devil:  ;)  :D  :D

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My 1800 Zetec SEiW is for sale - details in Cars For Sale on this site- Give me a call if you like, before I change my mind about selling it! I can give you the full spec -


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Hello guys

Both cars that are for sale look v. nice but I think I've made my mind up. I test drove the SEight and the R300 both awesome cars in different ways. With the options I wanted both worked out at the same price, £27400, give or take £50.

I couldn't decide which way to go.

Then I went to the Birkin factory. Birkin have a new model about to be announced. The Supertorque.

This car has the 2.0 Duratec engine producing 210 BHP and a torque figure tbc of  approx. 180-190 ft ibs, weighing in at under 500kg! Now, I can buy this car with even more options, carbon fibre nose cone etc., for £2k less!!!

I haven't driven this car yet. A pre-production model will be ready in 2-3 weeks.  

I wanted to know if anybody else is aware of this car and has any comments to make. Or any other comments about Birkin in general.

I hope nobody takes offence at me asking on a Westfield site about a Birkin BUT any advice would be greatly received.

Many, many thanks


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