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"Dob em in" with your Dashcam

John K

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8 minutes ago, Blatman said:

Asked by whom? And for what reason?

MotCO, I wouldn't post it. In their position I wouldn't want to be judged by Youtube users based on 30 seconds of my life that I would likely regret once  I'd had the opportunity to reflect. People are stupid, me included, every so often. Sometimes we're really stupid. Every time I have been I have been glad it wasn't recorded for posterity.


This guy got all upset because he decided to use a slip road at the last second with no indication, by which point I was already on said slip road next to him (from behind him), simple case of being lost right? That's what I figured until he leans on the horn, tailgates, chases me down and tries to run me off the road, driving in the oncoming lane and forcing oncoming cars to move out of the way. Funnily enough, when we hit traffic at a junction and he could no longer use his car as a weapon, all his rage suddenly disappeared......


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And there is still every chance that given the opportunity to reflect, he regrets at least some of that. 

I'm not trying to be an apologist or condone his actions in any way but... Had you reported him and he had bee prosecuted then fair enough he pays his dues and (I assume) everyone moves on. Posting it perpetuates his (possible) embarrassment and could affect him in all kinds of ways we may not have even considered. 

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There is a place for providing footage if requested. One of my drivers was unfortunate to witness the death of a youngster on the M1 when he appeared to play chicken with the traffic. He lost that game and it was captured on the dash cam of our van. The police needed that as it showed them exactly what happened and that no driver could have avoided the situation.

The reaction of some  of the younger ones we employ was "upload it" when we explained why it was wrong on so many levels to do so they got it. That is why when disasters happen people too often pull out a phone to film it.

As in the case of Lyonspride, if the police were not interested then I would have dropped it there and then, he may well be a dangler but it will make no difference to him in the long term.

As for a previous comment Blatman made saying it is up to the court to prove beyond reasonable doubt guilt, I agree with that in most cases but in motoring that is distorted. If your car is filmed being driven badly or speeding but the driver is not identified, the assumption is it is you driving, unless you prove your innocence by telling them who was driving. If you cannot you get the fine and points either for the offence or for not telling them who was.

Imagine if we ran all crime detection like that, it was your house, your knife, your wife who was stabbed, tell us who did it or it is you going down. A bit extreme but another reason why I dislike police requesting footage which unless viewed from both angles is likely to be distorted to one way or another.


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I was about to post a still from my footage but the camera has such a wide angle of view that a still doesn't convey the proximity of the car, the speed and the extreme nature of the event. Only by watching the footage and then looking on Google streetview to see landmarks can you appreciate just how close it came to a head-on at a closing speed of >100mph. It is certain that if I had not braked sharply down from 40 to 30mph (as witnessed on GPS data) I would now be playing a harp - or fiddling with my trident in a furnace. Not ever wanting to be a dob-n merchant I have never reported any road behaviour previously, but this armpit will kill someone if he carries on like this. I am relieved to learn that it wasn't our local car loving celebrity Jay Kay when the TV Police called be back to say they would be "having a word". 

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11 hours ago, Blatman said:

And there is still every chance that given the opportunity to reflect, he regrets at least some of that. 

I'm not trying to be an apologist or condone his actions in any way but... Had you reported him and he had bee prosecuted then fair enough he pays his dues and (I assume) everyone moves on. Posting it perpetuates his (possible) embarrassment and could affect him in all kinds of ways we may not have even considered. 

People who pay £250'000 for a number plate don't get prosecuted, they might get a visit from the Police if the Police chief doesn't catch wind of it, people who pay £250'000 for a number plate will undoubtedly have screwed over hard working people to get to that point in life, so my conscience is clean as far as i'm concerned. The car, his driving and what the plate said, all leave me in no doubt that this was not a model citizen.

Corruption lets people get away with stuff out in the real world, but the internet is less forgiving. I wonder how far Jimmy Saville would have gotten if he'd been several decades younger and was trying to do what he did in this day and age.......

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