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Stoneleigh 2017: Charity (Air Ambulance)

Trevor Little (Trevturtle) - Treasurer

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Once again we have decided to support the Air Ambulance at Stoneleigh. It's a national charity and one which a few us already support.

All proceeds from the sale of paper Westfields, the Snack Bar and the charity raffle for rides on the drift experience will go to the charity. One of the feedback ideas from last year was to have the ability for Members and the general public make a donation. To that end I've been in touch with the charity and have got four collecting tins.

One will be tied down to the snack bar, one on the membership stand and the others will be mobile as the need arises.

Please note. We need to keep an eye on these for obvious reasons. Anyone not a recognised Member or suitably attired in WSCC T-shirts seen in possession should be challenged, get help if you need it and just ask. We will be around also, so it's no biggie, you will be supported.

 If you want to donate, please do so. If you want to donate more than will fit in the tin, please see me. If you want to donate personally, i.e. not as WSCC, please go to https://theairambulanceservice.org.uk/


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