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Computers setting us up for disaster?

Man On The Clapham Omnibus

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Its happening everywhere , coming back from Dutchland last week with brother Peter who had his passport confiscated because passport control in Hull said it had been reported "lost or stolen " in 2013 ! ``````


They had no answer to the fact that the passport was obviously Ok to leave the country and return on at least 5 occasions in the last 2 years and 3 times this year , They couldn't explain either  how it could be possibly missing when he was holding the thing in his hand.


Case of computer says so,  so it MUST be right  !!!

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It's nothing new, GIGO was coined almost at the birth of computing, it's just now the damned things are utterly pervasive and people have switched off their brains.

The Air France crash exposed quite a few issues above and beyond the obvious one of pilots not flying planes any more but being systems programmers. Read the accident report. Fascinating. Tragic undoubtedly but at least you know the industry has learned some lessons paid for the hardest way possible.

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