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The best days at work


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Are when you work for a large multinational and someone accidentally sends an email to 100k people. 


"this was sent to me in error"

"i dont thikn i should have got this"

"this wasnt for me"

followed by

"can everyone stop replying to all"



I replied to all once. Halcyon days. 

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Dutch colleague of mine once meant to forward an email to another colleague with a comment that the customer who had sent it was a d*ckhead. Instead he hit reply. Then spent some time grovelling.

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A chum of mine worked at a UK Atomic energy Authority site in the early 70s and nearby was a nuclear power station. They had an internal telephone system which required a particular digit to be used to assess the other site and vice versa. For lark he once dialled the digit for the other place followed by the digit from there to where he was then dialled his own extension number. The system had to be powered down to clear the loop that made the phones ring incessantly! The exact details are vague now but there was a sort of boot-strap moment which seized the entire system.


 Not at work exactly but it was a bit like my Dad when was a lad and lived in a road of Victorian terrace houses in north Watford. He and his mates (probably his four brothers) would tie fishing line to a door knocker, and then across the road to another, and then another, and another in a zig-zag pattern. This would have been in the early 1900s so no cars to spoil the fun. Once you knock on one door the chain rippled up and down the road for a long time before someone spotted the fishing line. If it was dusk that could take a while...

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Are when you work for a large multinational and someone accidentally sends an email to 100k people. 


"this was sent to me in error"

"i dont thikn i should have got this"

"this wasnt for me"

followed by

"can everyone stop replying to all"



I replied to all once. Halcyon days. 


i get this everyday and it really get my goat ... I got tired of cc'd mail so have a rule that moves all mail I'm cc'd into a separate folder. 

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A chum of mine worked at a UK Atomic energy Authority site in the early 70s and nearby was a nuclear power station. They had an internal telephone system which required a particular digit to be used to assess the other site and vice versa. For lark he once dialled the digit for the other place followed by the digit from there to where he was then dialled his own extension number. The system had to be powered down to clear the loop that made the phones ring incessantly! The exact details are vague now but there was a sort of boot-strap moment which seized the entire system.


 Not at work exactly but it was a bit like my Dad when was a lad and lived in a road of Victorian terrace houses in north Watford. He and his mates (probably his four brothers) would tie fishing line to a door knocker, and then across the road to another, and then another, and another in a zig-zag pattern. This would have been in the early 1900s so no cars to spoil the fun. Once you knock on one door the chain rippled up and down the road for a long time before someone spotted the fishing line. If it was dusk that could take a while...


Of course kids these days would just put all the neighbours in a whatsapp group :d

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