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Silverstone today

Paul Hurdsfield - Joint Manchester AO

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If your not here this is what you are missing :p

F1 car performs in front of a line of Westfields :d


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Great shot Slasher  :t-up:  :d


See you tomorrow!

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fantastic positioning , looking forward to a great weekend :d

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Brilliant picture Paul. I counted 18 Westfields today, not as many as the 25 Caterhams that were there, but a good turn out for a workday.




Our club stand was a good place for everyone to gather together and I was surprised how many WSCC members I saw today, considering the size of the venue. Good views of the track action from there too.


The paddocks were a very interesting place to walk around and they were very accessible. The fun fair was fun, acting like you are 5 years old again. The JET fuel tent was a must for all the goodies and the display of cars on the club stands was the biggest that I have ever seen.


An excellent day out, looking forward to the parade lap tomorrow, the icing on the very tasty cake, thank you WSCC.

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Parade lap sign on and wrist bands ready.

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A quick word of thanks from me and the missus for the organisers of this weekends WSCC Silverstone gathering. Great club spot, fun drive round the circuit, well done to all especially chairman and committee and the ever patient A-Plan team who waited around so long to get the wristbands sorted.

Being from west Wales its not often we get to meet fellow members and this was a great setting in which to do so. We can't be there Sunday but I hope all of you visiting have as good a time as we did.

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... I counted 18 Westfields today, not as many as the 25 Caterhams that were there, but a good turn out for a workday.


 There were 57 Westfields (and one Skoda) today :) and only one or two less on the parade lap.

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Crikey, I counted 57 Westfields and 67 Caterhams today, I really must stop being competitive and obsessed with sales type figures but it is just interesting to see how we compare, sad I know.


That goes down in my short history as the biggest gathering of our club so far. Lots of cars equals meeting lots of club members and I have made loads of new friends and caught up with lots of others too. We even had a girly moment when I met Gail, owner/driver of a Westfield and gathered Sue up, who drove Martyn's Westfield down while he bought the caravan.


The best bits today were in the paddocks watching a man set the tappets on an engine, which may sound trivial to many of you lot but I only ever get to see Ed China do it on the telly, this was real mechanics on a real race car right under my nose. Also we watched the F1 cars race from the top of the big wheel, the best view in the house and the sounds was still thunderous from up there. 


Thank you to Clare and the A-Plan crew for smiling through your frustrations and to the WSCC committee for organising the day. Here is a good one for the campers amongst us, at 1 am this morning someone had a fag in our hotel and set the fire alarm off, it wasn't one of you was it? pay back for my earlier gloating?


Have a great day tomorrow everyone we are off home in the morning all 'car'd up and buzzing from the parade lap. Thank you, thank you.

Glen and Julie

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I know the secret of how Paul gets those great camera shots,




I tried one of my own,




But can you spot the camera man on the right catching me at it.

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Video of the parade.(in two parts)


the passenger had a Gopro on a stick so it was all filmed by hand so excuse the wobbly bits.


A parade is where one car follows another so if the car in front goes quick....


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Quality videos Stu.

That car in front looks like it was pulling well :laugh:

Your car is a credit to you, very nice build

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Had a fantastic couple of days - thank you Scott, Andy and A-Plan and anyone else that was involved in making it happen

I think I may have overtaken a few cars on the parade lap - oops

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Quality videos Stu.

That car in front looks like it was pulling well :laugh:

Your car is a credit to you, very nice build

Thanks Gary.

Your motor makes quite a nice noise when it gets going.

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The Saturday gathering.


I'm a grandad with a 'selfie stick'  who'd have guessed it.


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A great couple of days, thank you for organizing it.


A few pics from me.




The Westfield area, with a very well presented gathering of cars. (i'm sure if we make it a regular event and I hope we do i'm sure we'd be better still)




Westfields on the grid (well that's a bit like how it felt)



Westfields on parade, (taken while driving)

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