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Chris Evans stepping down from top gear!

Greenstreak-Andy D

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I'm not a huge Chris Evans fan, but do think he has the capacity to be innovative and edgy.


I thought the BBC would take advantage of those skills and that we would see a brand new format for TG.


To simply get him in as a straight replacement for Clarkson (another person I'm not a huge fan of (understatement!)) was, in my opinion, a missed opportunity.


I think the show will be better without him, but still feel short changed overall.

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You know, I thought the powers that be had boxed him into a corner, TG wise, and assumed they largely banned him from changing the format. But as more snippets emerge, it does almost look like a large part of the direction the series took may have been down to him after all.

I agree whole heartedly with what you say Kevin, regarding his abilities, I think I've even called him the format King when defending him in the run up to the new series. I genuinely hoped the whole team production/talent would come up with something properly new, hopefully, they will try harder for season 2. Now please tell me Eddie Jordan is next to go!

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There was a very cringe-worthy moment in the final programme when Evans introduced the Porsche 911-R (I think) segment when he used the classic Clarkson introduction, ending with "until now" (to be said in an extremely, over-dramatic Clarkson voice).


Made my skin crawl.



Well: there used to be a ginger tw*t hosting Top Gear, until now....

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Inevitable really. If you spread yourself too thin people will see through you. He was trying to do too many things. TFI Friday sunk without trace. Don't think he had enough motoring knowledge.

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It's been a really weird series which did get better towards the end, but I always felt they could have done more. I echo your thoughts on the fact they should have completely changed it.

Hopefully clarksons new series will give us the change we need.

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No tears shed by me  :t-up:

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Just watching the one with the roller.

I really like matt le Black ( ;) ) so much better than Chris

It will be a better program without him

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The spin off extra gear without the ginger one was a lot better. More about cars than egos.

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Things are certainly spiralling downward for Mr Evans.


The Metropolitan Police are now investigating a historical sex crime allegation against him.


Can't see the Beeb hanging on to him in any format, never mind Top Gear if that sticks.

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Things are certainly spiralling downward for Mr Evans.


The Metropolitan Police are now investigating a historical sex crime allegation against him.


Can't see the Beeb hanging on to him in any format, never mind Top Gear if that sticks.

he was smacked off his face for most of the 90's it would be no surprise if something happened.

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A very good mate of mine shared a flat with Evans in the early 80's. A few years after he hit the big time my mate bumped into him and said "hey Chris long time etc". Evans blanked him. Tosspot.

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