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Geoffrey's Jaunt. North Yorkshire. Into the Yorkshire Dales. Sunday 19th June.

Geoffrey Carter (Buttercup)

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Well done for organising Geoff.

I managed to push the car back to the same spot you took that picture where I sat for a good 40 mins. You were right about the roads in the dales, fab.

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Well done for organising Geoff.

I managed to push the car back to the same spot you took that picture where I sat for a good 40 mins. You were right about the roads in the dales, fab.



Thanks for the nice comment and sorry you could not join us for the full run.


Just let me know when you want to try again and I will sort out another run.


Just over 230 miles and I always enjoy the day.

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boghouse !!

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Oh bottoms!

Being the master of the forum has a downside!

I was supposed to hit "quote" and accidentally deleted Marcus post!

Sorry ☺️

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So Geoffrey responded "yup" to the question from Marcus - "bog house"?

Referring to the well known car BogHouse Blue which is now in the hands of one of our North East members John.

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...And as if by magic, Marcus is back again! (You have a certain window in which certain types of deleted stuff can be restored using built in board options. After that, or if it's not in the restorable category, I'm afraid it would be resorting to backups etc).

I thought it looked like the original Boghouse, though I don't think it had the cage last time I saw it.

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carol drinking wine again




You noticed.  :d

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Thanks Dave I'll get the hang of it soon! The Father's Day beverage intake didn't help matters!

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Ive not hit the delete button, but I must admit, if I'm having a butter fingers moment, I've occasionally hit edit instead of quote on someone's post. That ones easy enough to exit from without changing anything, though.

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Ive not hit the delete button, but I must admit, if I'm having a butter fingers moment, I've occasionally hit edit instead of quote on someone's post. That ones easy enough to exit from without changing anything, though.

I was using an iPhone at the time and had beer goggles on instead of reading glasses!

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Great food in Muker where we met with Chris and John.......You can tell they are "are" up north as I don't think any of Chris's crew know what a windscreen is.




The aeroscreens must have been why we got there first then ;)


Day out to Muker

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