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Ruddy BT


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Hi all,

BT broadband has gone down, standard line jobbie home hub 4 - have spoken to BT and gone through all the usual hour long time wasting nonsense to confirm I'm not a moron who pulled the plug out & wonders why it's broken :bangshead: and get them to send an engineer out - earliest appointment is next Monday! A bloomin' week! Quality service as always.

Just wondering if anyone on here can provide some wisdom that might help me sort it & get connection back. I've checked the filters etc and the phone line works, although it has gone crackly. The hub is just flashing orange at me, have done the turn on and off and reset button.

Any thoughts? Might have to have a conversation with t'other half if this carries on... :cry:

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If the line is crackling I thought tag was a sign of defective supply wire to house.

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I've had a good look round and can't see any damage, it was only replaced about 10 months ago after our neighbours burned their garage down. Could be related to the storms yesterday perhaps? But phone is still working.

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 I've checked the filters etc


I'm not sure there is any way to test an ADSL filter for functionality. If you have a spare one, swap it out.

After that it could be a bad router or a fault at the exchange. If you have the know how and login creds you could try a different ADSL router if you can source one for testing. If the fault is at the exchange then there isn't much you can do, although tethering/using your smartphone hotspot will get you on-line. How long for depends on your data contract and how you feel about using 3g/4g assuming you have a 3g/4g signal where you are.


Edited to add... storms? Is your phone line on a telegraph pole? Or has there been flooding? 

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Swapped them out, I have a few spare so I've tried those just to eliminate them. I would try a spare router but I just cleared them all out :(

Phone line is on a telegraph pole, no flooding here but an epic thunderstorm on Sunday.

Just wondering if there's anything else I can try while I wait for the engineer.

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The crackly line is the issue here. It won't effect your voice calls as such, but broadband is a lot more sensitive and 'Noise' is an indication of the quality of line.......it will stop your broadband straight away. Your right to go through the process of elimination swapping out micro filters and routers if you have them but I suspect in this case there is nothing wrong with either, or, I bet your internal wiring.

My money is on a problem locally to you, aggravated by as you say, recent wet weather and storms. I don't trust their testing of the line from their end method, I've had that proved wrong in the past before. It needs an engineer locally. Somethings got damp I reckon.

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I had this a few mouths ago I had s bad line which caused the boardband to slow down to compensate before it drops out.

All this happen because BT came out to fix the same the same proplem next door & disturbed our line, told BT this but they insisted there wasn't a proplem & reset the broadband which ran that slow it was useless.

It took them to 2 1/2 weeks to fix it! But it didn't help that I had to go through EE.

Also make sure you ask for compensation.

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Water ingress somewhere along the way between you & the exchange is always possible. Overhead lines end up underground or in a cabinet eventually. That'll get your line crackling and will play havoc with the frequencies used for ADSL.  Try looking at the admin pages on your router and see what it thinks about the internet connection - may be some clues there.


FWIW, I had a line fault at my old place - it was completely open circuit where a nail had been put through one leg of the line by a clumsy contractor. I didn't realise for about 3 weeks due to two factors - a) I have no friends so the fact the phone never rang wasn't unusual, and b) the ADSL kept on working and I didn't notice it had slowed to about 2Mbps rather than it's usual 8Mbps or so. Because the fault was 'dry' there was enough capacitive coupling for the ADSL to work. If I hadn't seen it myself, I might not have believed it. Put in a new drop from the overhead line termination box and all was well again.

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Thanks guys, all sounds likely and although annoying that I can't sort it myself, I'm glad that there is prior experience of something more involved. Will let you know the outcome!

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agree with water affecting the line possibly from the exchange to the street cabinet, but probably in the last link from your street cabinet to your house....!

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It the noise on the line that's knocking your speed down.    You'll have to sit tight and have a meaningful conversation with the wife or do the washing up.


If the engineer who arrives is very young & has a nice clean hi viz on, your in trouble.

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It appears that the problem is solved (for now) - we lost our broadband a week ago and the BT engineer has just been round to sort it. There were a lot of errors apparently, but the main ones were an issue at the exchange and the router had given up. All sorted, new router and he even tidied up some of the dodgy previous wiring and moved our cap from 5.5mb to 8mb, which is a bit of a bonus.  Still think BT are utter tosh but nothing against that engineer, he was particularly good.


An example of more rubbish service from BT - midway through last week, I receive a text inviting me to 'go online' and download their latest app - while the broadband is down!  Morons. They also text me to say that Alan (the engineer) was on his way, 45 mins after he got here. And I'm still not impressed it took a week to send someone out.  Anyway, rant over and we're back up and running.

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So good ole' Alan got you going again :yes:   Apparently all jobs get a text now saying who's coming with the engineers phone number.  I hate it, there are some buffoon customers who ring us days after, saying they can't get their emails :angry:

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