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Norway to ban Petrol and Diesel motors...


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Central London has zero emissions looming in 2 years or less I believe. We have been working with a company who is trialling an electric powered cab in the city. The cabbies who have reluctantly tried it now prefer it to the std cab as the instant torque means it's miles ahead of everything else away from the lights....

It will run for over eight hours on a full charge and will recharge fully in 90 odd mins if I remember correctly.

They are also trialling a transit and much bigger lorry too.

It ain't too far away now....


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The problem I have with all this eco-drive, is the disproportionate focus on cars.  OK in city centres it may be a major problem for air quality but elsewhere I am sure there are bigger energy gains to be had in lots of other ways.


Growing up my dad would never turn the heating on once the clocks had changed ... it was summer now !!  I would say most offices and houses that I visit are continuously heated to 21 or 22'C.  How many children are taken to school by car when we used to walk, how much energy is wasted on packaging etc etc.


So because cars are an easy target to regulate and the problem is solved by someone else they get too much focus on them IMHO.


Also if we are going to focus on cars .. let's make them lighter and smaller ..  not just electric. 



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A lot of this is down to the politics. Oil in the main, is with unstable countries, or ones that we do not like, Russia! So first start telling everyone petrol and oil is bad, very bad, then start telling people we will all die if we do not have electric cars. 

The result is a big push on the cars, and the infrastructure and then go for renewable energy production and you make a lot of people happy.


The tree huggers, for one, those who have chest problems for another, those who do not like Arabs holding all the oil and finally those who hate Russia. The later bit is the most important to some. instability in areas we tolerate, at the top table, but those with the most seats do not like them.


Electric cars work and for most people range is not an issue. I would drive one, so long as I could still have a choice. It is unfortunate that choice will be taken away one day in my opinion and petrol cars will become curiosities.


Norway can do this. They have a small population, they have abundant cheap electric from Hydo power and have not wasted any money they made from Oil. Having been there last year they seem pretty smart technology wise and there will be a plan that will work. 

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Jeff has hit the nail on the head in paragraph one. I always suspected that climate change was a scare tactic to reduce the first world's dependence not on oil but on the producers of oil. It has been hijacked by the left as a way of sharing out the world's wealth since. The scientists have prostituted themselves to the cause by living in fear of loss of funding. At the moment the dog is growling and threatening to bite the bums of the AGW apostles fortunately. A cold country like Norway is exactly the wrong place for pure electric cars because the heater sucks the life out of the batteries and the batteries are less efficient at low temperatures.

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The Tesla is the best selling "quality" car in Norway at the moment due to the tax payable on others already. They do work as journeys are very short in the main and electric to keep charging is very cheap, not sure if it is subsidized.

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lucky for us we have the best selling electric car in Norway ;-)

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