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Hi All,


Thought I should introduce myself....   :) 


After 12 months of scanning the for sale section here and other websites I finally found one that ticked all the relevant boxes so....


I am now the proud (2nd Owner) of a great 1991 vintage Westfield SEiW which I purchased from a fellow member earlier this month.




It's not been the greatest of weather since, but I have a managed a 100 Miles or so of damn cold enjoyment ! In that time I'm 100% sure I brought a great car


Side 2



So, that my brief introduction over...  I hope to meet many of you at events over time...







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Great to see you out and about enjoying yourself; good clothing is the key to winter enjoyment, windproof outer layer and a few good middle layers make a huge difference!

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Welcome - that is a long way from Preston   :)  - could have been a good drive ?

Hope you enjoy the car and looks a very nicely sorted one.

cheers Jon

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Welcome to the club and the world of Westfields - that's a nice car and I still think it has one of the best engines :d

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Welcome - you've joined a great club with a great membership, mostly only too willing to offer advice and help.


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Cheers All... 


It was a long run from Preston...


I only drove the first 15 miles (then it rained) and as the gearing make for around 4500rpm at 70mph, e hitched her up to a towing dolly and towed her south.. As soon as we cleared the motorway I drove the last 15 miles home....

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Wow 4500 at 70mph - that is a sprint car - must feel very fast, mine does 2500rpm .......

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Welcome to the club! Beware of upgraditis, it's catching and itchy :d

Lovely looking car, really nice colour. Will we see you in the speed series?

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Thanks All....

It feels like a rocket ship.... But then 220 ish bhp and over 185 ft it should do

I've been warned how addictive sprinting can be

And the upgrade bug is already there..... Seats... Steering wheel... Gauges... It's all good though

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Welcome mate,


I'm a new owner myself, like you I have braved the cold to get some miles in, plan doing some more this weekend aswell.

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:ww: Looks like a great car, enjoy the driving and the upgrading  :)

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