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This ones wholly inspired by the "worst driven marques" thread.


It's a simple question...... we're all giving opinion and glare of death to other road users for some of the dumb things they do.....


It's a "Hands up and confess time"...... Who's had an accident in the last 5 years.


Simple to reply.


Yes or no, fault or non fault, write off or repaired, and who got shafted by the insurance company with a knock for knock settlement?


I'll start.....


23 years ago..... I hit a fiesta from behind in a transit..... totally my fault..... neither written off

20 years ago.... Got rear ended in a peugeot by a golf...... spent some time in hospital,  both written off.... .....and the Mini I got shoved into !


Five years ago I put a dent in my rear bumper when a lamp post walked out behind me..... minor damage no claim made....


So my driving to crash ratio is fairly un-eventful..... I don't know if it's down to my defensive mindset or some skills the Royal Navy taught me..... 


But my mind set is simple when I'm in the car..... I'm a terrible driver, everyone else is blind and will probably choose to try and kill me at every opportunity.....






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not strictly an accident, as I was in bed at the time but had the whole front nearside of my volvo ripped of by a drunk female driver at 4am on a Saturday morning,  who was so inibriated that she couldn't stand... stragely enough the car was written off.

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Only time in my life when I had started a new job about 4 years ago and stressed to the max driving through town.

In a line of traffic waiting I had pulled across a little entrance to my left , I noticed a oncoming car coming down the road indicating to go down it. I looked in my rear view mirror there was plenty of room behind me so put it in reverse and started moving back ... Didn't notice that a lady in her nice new shiny Audi had put herself not quick in a feeder lane to my right as she hadn't got to it yet but overlapping my car by about a foot ... Bang !! My fault and about £700 in damage

To be fair you couldn't of asked for a nicer lady to hit !!

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1982 my first "car" actually it was a minivan, on crossplies, the car in front stopped, the crossplies on wet road didn't, luckily the rusted minivan crumpled so well the driver in front didn't notice.


1984 I parked my Dolomite Sprint outside the house, about an hr later chap from down the road (hill) knocked on door asking me to remove my car from the boot of his brand new Cortina estate.  My car was still in first gear but handbrake not on, did i forget to put it on?


1987 driving along a dual carriageway 70 - 75 mph woman in a Cavalier pulled out to cross it and go to other side of DC to head opposite direction, I tried to go round her but hit the front, it took the front of her Cavalier clean off, luckily the 5 women in the car were relatively unscathed, police breathalysed us, she was over the limit - from the tupperware party she and her mates had been to.


Nothing since!


ETA: The Minivan was written off by a chap's car up the road that slid down the hill (ice/snow, no driver).  So the hill that i lived on contributed to 50% of my incidents - don't trust hills is my advice.

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23 years ago knocked the engine up on a mini and broke a paving slab ... To fast into the school car park. Repaired that day with a tractor and a lump hammer. To straighten where the subframe bolted to the floor.

2 weeks later I rolled the same car through a hedge. To fast into a corner the throttle stuck, I dabbed the brakes, fish tailed down the road until my lack of skill got me through a hedge. Parents on holiday the week later.. Some isopon and it was fine.

A few years later Christmas Eve in a cavalier driving to the pub down a back road. Going to quick , it was icy and couldn't stop at a t junction .. Bent my front valence and broke headlamp clips. Face lift front. Facelift front splitter repair.

Roll forward until 10 years ago... The only accident which was not my fault. Was the biggy. A taxi driver turned into my carriage way causing a 60 mph head on. Total write off. Possible fractured sternum. Hours in hospital. Taxi passengers one critical... Taxi driver pulled the race card and had a got 3 points, careless driving.

B&q parked by the trolley park. When I left I rubbed 2 doors and the rear wheel arch in the 2 foot tall trolley park which is totally invisible in a car with the worst visability of any car ever.

This is getting quite long! ,

1 year ago... I reversed into the car transporter trailer I was towing! Basically i was in a massive container yard, just dropped a car off for export.. The place was empty. I needed to revers back away from a wall., I didn't look at the trailer , bang, suddenly it was at 90 degrees and hit my wheel arch.. So stupid!

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December 2014. T-boned a Nissan Qashqai who crossed the road in front of my whilst I was cruising along at 60mph. Took 3 out of 4 cars to the great scrapyard in the sky following the impact. Fortunately it was all witnessed by not 1, but 2 police officers who were (independently of each other) also on their way to work. All was settled by insurance company and I didn't loose much, other than my confidence to pass that crossing for eternity. It's a known accident hotspot, and god only knows why they decide to keep it like that.

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Rolled my fiat 126 about 2 months past my driving test. No one else involved and totally due to inexperience and (ironically) speed. It was on a back lane with a double apex corner.

Apart from minor bits not much else. Spun the westy a couple of times. But no damage

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1980, Mk1 Escort had a coming together with a lamppost on my way to work. Don't know what happened really as I was asleep at the time.

2013, Alfa Romeo Guilietta, idiot from work ran into the back of me in an old Seat, car repaired, but still getting phone calls from "No win, No fee" cold callers.

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Thirty odd years ago, as student in the first week of university was involved in a collision with a pedestrian. The insurance co pay were very good sorting the damage out and the legal side. Even sent a solicitor with me to the inquest. I'll always remember the look of squirming embarrassment on their face when they (had to) ask if I wanted to recover my excess/damages etc from the pedestrians family. - And how relieved they looked when I said of course not!

A year or two after that, in my Fiesta Supersport, complete with 205 GTi style lift off oversteer on demand, I was doing my usual sideways slide while on the way in to university, just outside a sixth form colleges busy bus stop, (as we all know, teenage girls were most impressed by teenage lads sliding cars around ;) ) when I sort of over-cooked it, went off on the inside of the bend, skimming between two trees. Fortunately, my landladies boyfriend was in the motor trade and taught me how to hammer and dollie the bent wheel arch back into shape. And where to get matched aerosols of paint etc.

Just shy of twenty yeas later, coming home from some data cable installation work, in a Carlton Estate, heavily loaded with tools etc, overtaking some slow moving cars, the middle one of the three also decides to overtake the car ahead of him and pulled out with me less than ten foot behind him and a twenty mile an hour speed differential! I needed a new bonnet bumper and lights, and a slight pull on the front slam panel. His Citroen AX was written off - two foot shorter, and the grp tailgate splintered into so many pieces it was never found!

Around about 2005 or 6, I was driving to a clients, this time in an Audi A4, some **** wit in a Honda Civic Type R (mk1) came around the corner sideways totally out of control, coming from the opposite direction. Unfortunately, instead of simply over steering off, on the inside of the bend, away from me, the angle of the kerb on his side bounced him back into my path. A full head on, with both cars at least still doing forty mph, with a 3/4 offset bumper to bumper. My that Audi stood up well. Looking at the written off wreck of it later, you could see where it sort of concertinered in a controlled way at each of the three main crumple zones but left the passenger cells around the seat rows intact. That was a blues and two's ride to the hospital, a morning on a spinal board, three broken ribs, neck damage, (that wouldn't reveal itself for a few years) and all the soft tissue "cushion" pads in my heals being squished out. I still take daily tablets for the neck damage and at some point, an operation to stabilise C4/5 vertebrae will be needed.

Roll on to six or seven years ago, and whilst turning right in an E39 BMW 535, a girl racer in another mk1 Type R attempts to overtake me at an estimated 75/80 mph. Fortunately I was barely moving, and saw a brief flicker in the corner of my eye and stopped, so instead of hitting the drivers door, she went into the front of the front OS wheel, took that corner of the BM' clean off, and she span three times before coming to a rest, after bouncing over a kerb, over sixty metres down the road.

Thankfully that's it, touch wood. Though I do have something of a thing about Type R's now!

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We're all missing the point how many accidents were in Birmingham

I'll get me coat,,,,

i dont think the page is long enough to cope with the post!

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A Saxo had a little gobble on my tow bar once...




Poor kid had shifted his engine back and everything. He'd found the only solid part of the land rover!

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It's NEVER my fault, whatever happens  :p  'cos I'm the best driver in the world.



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